Foxie: 7

55 5 6

District: The Glen, Heywood


Red haunting orbs glare at me, a smolder simultaneously cold as ice and hot as flames as I sit alone, petrified in the darkness. Blinking, their glowing intensifies as the heat of their stare burns holes into my skin. I feel frozen against their gaze, like a deer in headlights, unable to flee from danger. I don't look away. I can't. My fear is just as present as my pride. My feet won't move out of fright, and my eyes won't close out of shame.

He is my worst nightmare and even knowing so, I cannot look away. I am drawn to him and the adrenaline he brings me. 

For the first time in a long time, the Sly Fox is no longer the hunter. Now she is the prey.


I jolt awake with my circuits on high alert, stirring at the sound of ceramic crashing onto the linoleum floor. Immediately the smell of caramelizing onions and peppers fills my nostrils as the sleep fog starts to fade away, and I take in my surroundings. The room around me is dark, save for the glimmer of light beaming from the gap beneath the door.

My door. Somehow, I made it home. 

The last memory I have is of Flex, the Downtown Ripperdoc, explaining to me how he must install a Blood Pump implant so I could properly receive an urgent transfusion. I don't remember a thing else after that. How or when I got home. Who paid the Ripper off.

None of it.

I hear the sound of humming traveling in from just outside my door, along with the clicks and clanks of dishes clashing and a jumble of curses following suit. Yoddie, I confirm with a weak smile. The broken dish that woke me up came from her fiddling in the kitchen. I hate to admit I was a little disappointed the noise didn't come from a certain Borg I dreamt of, but I'd never speak that aloud.  EVER. 

Hesitantly I roll myself out of bed, head towards the door and take a peek outside. Yesena Hernadez, also known as Yoddie, can be easily mistaken for a 5 foot 1 Chihuahua. Tiny with a big bark and is occasionally known to bite. She is currently standing on top of the countertop trying to reach the top end of the spice cabinet, hence the warzone of clutter, mess and debris in her wake. Her fingers were barely grazing the Abodo bottle on the back shelf. Snickering, I tiptoe over to lend her a hand. I'm the tall one, always have been, so I'm used to this sort of thing in our relationship. 

"Foxie!" Yoddie shouts as she sees me quickly snag the spice bottle. "What are you doing up? You're on bedrest for two full days, Chica! "

Two days?! She knows me better than that! She'll be lucky if I stay in bed for an hour with how restless my bones feel. 

I give her a look letting her know 'I'll consider the suggestion' then roll my eyes firmly into the back of my head playfully. "Clearly I'm here to help you out, shortie."

She turns to me and finally I'm able to get a good look at her, and nearly gasp. I wasn't the only one who needed to be put on bedrest! Yoddie's right arm was bounded in a tight wrapping and held close to her chest in a sling. She had a bandage covering a spot on her temple, her lip was busted and one of her eyes were bruised. 

Just what the fuck happened when I was knocked out in dreamland?!

"YODDIE!" I exclaim.

"Don't--" She halts me with her hand, stopping me from uttering another word. "It's my fault. Ran into gonks who set Doc Synder's clinic on fire. I was able to keep them from zeroing Gustavo, but I took some damage before the others arrived." 

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