Foxie: 13

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{The Watson Whore: A Television show in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 based on a JoyToy in the streets of Watson}

District: Vista Del Ray, Heywood


 I, a proud member of the feared and revered Valentinos, am reduced to methods of seduction.... and what makes matters worse, to 6th Street no less. Our plan was simple: Waltz up to 2nd Amendment and act cute and slutty for some Glitter. Knowing these scheming Patriots, they'll try and hustle me out of my eddies by upping the price. That's when I'm supposed to turn on my ' foxlike charm'. Dum Dum's words, not mine. What he meant by that I'll never know. 

We split up. He takes the west entrance on Republic Way, moving quick with a fire in his step whilst clinging to the shadows the staggering buildings protrude in broad daylight. We might be outnumbered but Dum Dum's a Lieutenant, well respected and full of experienced while I'm determined and delusional as hell with an entire arsenal of knives at my disposal. I'm more than just a pretty face and a huge pair of tits, though can't let these fuckers know that just yet. They'll each meet the blade of the Sly Fox soon enough.

I still have on the white tank I chose to meet Dum Dum in last night, and a sleek Bomber with spikes and the deep pockets just below the bustline I stole from a Threads Shop down in Wellsprings. I thought I was being skimpy before by wear material so thin my nipples poked noticable impressions through the cloth, but now I gotta look even more like a whore. Cursing, I roll up the bottom of my tank top and gather the fabric behind my back and tie it into a knot, cropping the top to expose my stomach. Next, I hike the straps of my panties high above the wasitband of my low-rise jeans, so the red lace detail is visible.

Ha! Wait until Dum Dum gets a sight of this. Bastard might even be jealous when he sees how I pull up to knock on the enemies' door! For some reason, the thought envy demons raging inside him turns me the fuck on. I'm curious to know just how far a jealous Borg would go, and if his jealousy will make his aim towards these fucking Flag Kissers land anymore true.

I check my reflection in his truck's side mirror to put on some lip gloss and gasped. I look like a character out of The Watson Whore!!! If there was a competition for the hottest 'wannabe' Stank in Heywood, I'd be your fucking winner! If I didn't need to kill these fucking Patriots so bad I'd hold my head in shame and crawl into the nearest dumpster and mark it as my own grave. Yet these are the kinds of things I'm going to have to subject myself to in order to permanently take down every last one of them. So, if that means Foxie has to bat her eyelashes, pucker her lips and baby her voice so these freaks fall for it and let their guard now, so be it!

My boots click against the pavement as I try my best to casually make my way over to their base. You know, without over doing it. Since this is Vista, I maybe saw only two people roaming the street during a stretch of 10 full minutes, and they were definitely unbothered locals minding their own business. 

2nd Amendment is boarded at the windows with the door propped wide open. Just outside it is three Patriots posted up smoking, with one doing a bit of Black Lace in the corner (I recognized the black inhaler instantly). I take a deep breath and cross the street, approaching the door with a little sway in my hips. The moment my heels hit the sidewalk, eyes were flying up to greet me from behind shades and low hung cowboy hats. Inhaler Boy even pulled away coughing from the fumes just to get a glimpse of me. By the looks of them, you would've thought these fuckers just came back from a rodeo!

The blonde one doing the Black Lace whistles at me, and I have to contain myself and keep from rolling my eyes even though the ick from it made my skin wanted to melt off my bones.

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