Chapter 12 - Seraphine's comforting words

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[Re-Edited: 09/07/2024]

Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

"Anyway, let's go to your bedroom." Seraphine exclaimed while turning away from him. 'Is she actually blushing?' He wondered doubtfully, not quite believing his own eyes. What was even stranger for him was that seeing her reaction made his heart skip a beat. If he was still his previous clueless teenage self, without his past memories, he would have probably attributed his physical reaction to something else completely unrelated or even downright ignored it. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on what one thought, he was not. Thus, without needing much pondering, he instantly understood the reason behind his physical reaction. Not knowing whether to laugh or to cry, he thought. 'I've got feelings for my cousin, don't I? Goddamnit...' Out loud he replied. "Let's go, then." While walking a few steps, he continued pondering. 'Well, it's not like I hadn't thought of that possibility, but... Wait! Does that mean she's also...?' As many thoughts kept tangling inside his head, he fell into a daze, which ended up with him missing the woman's next words. Shaking his head to remove those random thoughts, he noticed that, unlike him, she had not moved from her previous location. He thus walked back to her and asked apologetically. "Sorry, I was daydreaming. What did you just say?"

While having a peculiar look on her face, she repeated herself. What was amusing to the young man was the effort she was making in trying to look unconcerned with her next words, despite her visibly fidgeting from stress. "I said that I need you to take my hand. I don't want to waste time groping my way along." Cocking his brow at the ludicrous words, the young man concluded firmly. 'Oh, she's 100% got feelings for me. With how familiar she is with the whole house, there's no way she would need anyone to help her find my room. To be honest, if I wasn't certain that her eyes were gone, I'd believe that she was just acting blind to mess with us.' Despite his inner complaints, the smile plastered on his face betrayed what he truly felt about her demand. "If it's to help you, then..." He retorted while taking her small hand in his. Holding her hand firmly, he could not help but gently squeeze it from how soft her skin felt to him. His action, clearly unexpected by the young woman, brought a small blush on her face before she whispered bashfully. "Can we go now?"

Her question made him realize that he might have overstepped his bounds. "Sorry! Yeah, of course." He exclaimed, a bit embarrassed at his impulsive action. At that point, he led her toward his bedroom before guiding her to his bed where she sat carefully. Despite being a bit reluctant, he let go of her hand while explaining. "I'll put on some clothes." What made him feel slightly better was the lost look that appeared on her face as he let her hand go. If he was not sure before about her feelings, he was pretty much certain now. 'I guess we're both weird for liking each other, aren't we?' After a short contemplation, the idea that two adults who were blood-related could be romantically involved stopped bothering him. His logic was pretty simple: Since reincarnation and souls existed, he believed that their current bodies did not really define who they were inside. It was more like a vessel for their soul to experience life in general. Thus, whether his lover was his blood-related cousin in this life, or someone completely unrelated did not really disturb him. That being said, the fact that he remembered his past life played a big part in that conviction and he would have probably thought differently if it was not the case.

'So, what should I do about it?' Many possibilities traversed his mind as his hands were busy grabbing his clothes and putting them on. With the summer heat in full blast, he chose to wear light clothes and thus did not take much time to finish wearing everything. Then, as he started turning back toward the woman, something caught his eye. Moving his head in that direction, his gaze fell on his reflection on the mirror hung on the wall. Feeling a bit absentminded, his hand went to his face as he wondered. 'Is it me or I'm getting more handsome as days go by?' It was not just crazy talk as he truly noticed changes in his facial traits. Nonetheless, it was not that he looked like a different person. Instead, it was more akin to 'refining' his facial features, improving them until he looked much more attractive. 'I was so focused on my muscle gains that I completely missed it... My Perk's effects are honestly ridiculous... Not that I can complain. Who wouldn't want to be more handsome if there was no price to pay? Although... I guess dying once could be said to have been the price I paid to get that Perk... I'm not sure it's worth it if you have any other choice...'

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