Chapter 47 - Adeliya's worries

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Hello, my dear readers! Here's chapter 47!

[*BEGINNING OF TRANSMISSION*] My internet connection went haywire this week and since I use an online platform to write my drafts and grammarly, which also use a lot of resources, my laptop kept freezing again and again. At one point, I almost gave up writing anything. I did hold on, though. Anyway, I'll be somewhere else from tomorrow on and at least until the end of next week. Hopefully, the internet there will behave like a rational internet should. [*END OF TRANSMISSION*]


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For those interested, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse:

'Ben Parker, a former Special Forces' Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, with three Perks granted to him by an unknown entity, will have to grow his cultivation along his loved ones and teammates while navigating the Earth, a planet full of interesting but dangerous secrets.


Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

As the words left her mouth, Demian nodded before downing his glass of wine. As the effect of the drink started spreading throughout his whole body, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, bringing a cheerful thought to his mind. 'I'm getting stronger again!' Turning his gaze in his Aunt's direction, he spotted the mix of impatience and worry in her eyes, prompting him to explain himself. "Aunty, you should drink the wine. Mr. Anrepov was right when he said that it'd be extremely helpful to us." Looking slightly doubtful, she nonetheless trusted him enough to follow his advice and mirroring his previous action, she quickly drank the whole glass before setting it down on the table and exclaiming. "Let's go now!"

As she was about to stand up, the two were instantly transported back to their previous location, with the bar counter in front of them glaringly lacking in any human presence, while indistinct whispers and jazz music were still quietly resounding in the room, as if the prior encounter was simply an illusion. Of course, the warm energy strengthening his whole body coupled with the two books in his hand reassured him that everything that happened was not a figment of his imagination. With a wry smile on his face, he bowed his head lightly in the counter's direction while claiming. "Thank you again for the books and the drinks."

Turning toward Adeliya, he noticed the look of surprise on her face, probably from the feeling of the magical drink strengthening her body. "Shall we go?" His question woke her up from her light daze before she imitated him and thanked the bartender for his gifts. She then took his hand and quickly dragged him toward the exit, the young man not resisting at all. As the two were about the leave the premises, they froze for a second when they heard in their ears. "You're very welcome. May you have a pleasant drive back." As if in sync, the duo did not turn or reply but instead elicited to continue on their way to the car without speaking a word to each other.

Once they were about to reach it, Demian volunteered to drive them back, which was quickly accepted by the mature redhead, the latter giving him the keys after they were both seated inside the vehicle. Turning on the ignition, the young man inserted the SUV in the heavy night traffic, the car's interior still silent for a few minutes before he could not hold it in anymore and asked gently. "Are you okay?" Throwing a brief glance in her direction, he noted the thin perspiration running along her cheeks and her forehead, her face reddening, and her disturbed breathing pattern. "I... I'm fine!" Hesitating for a second, she added. "The drink is making my body stronger, but at the same time, it feels... Anyway, it should pass with a bit more time."

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