Chapter 53 - First spar as cultivators

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Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 53 with some insights into the two physical capabilities. No spells yet but it won't be long before they learn some.

Anyway, small update: The release rate has been pretty slow lately, and I'm sorry about that. May has been pretty hectic for me (In a good way), and that made it really hard for me to have the mental energy for writing new chapters. Many important decisions I've been putting off for a while, and superfluous things in my life I've decided to let go. The month of June should be much better in terms of chapters release. Especially since I can see the end of the Book 1 and that motivates me a lot.

Beside that, I'm going on vacation next week, so, chapter 54 will have to wait for the week after that.

That being said, thank you for reading my story. Be assured that I've got many more things planned for this book series, new characters, places, surprises, etc.

See ya later, alligators! (Yes, I'm a kid and I'm not ashamed of it.)


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For those interested, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse:

'Ben Parker, a former Special Forces' Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, with three Perks granted to him by an unknown entity, will have to grow his cultivation along his loved ones and teammates while navigating the Earth, a planet full of interesting but dangerous secrets.


Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

A few minutes later, the four Mikhailovs were on their way to the South of the city, where Petrovich's house was located. The Southern side of the city was mostly made of different residential areas, the houses and apartments increasing in price and age as the distance from the City Center decreased. As the head of the city's hospital, the man was relatively wealthy and thus could afford to pay for accommodation in the City's inner ring. Of course, his net worth was far lower than the Mikhailovs. However, the latter was a relatively old family who developed themselves in Damovotsk for a few generations, while the party's goon was only a 'nouveau riche', making the comparison between the two unfair.

In any case, with how much trouble he brought the family, it was clear to Demian that influence was more important than money in this world. 'Influence and physical power. After all, with my current strength, it would be quite easy to get more money, although most options would be illegal.' He pondered as his gaze was directed toward the road in front of him, while his mind did not completely register the buildings and people he drove past. In fact, only a part of his mind was focused on following the burgundy-colored SUV in front of him. It was just enough to avoid provoking an accident. The muscle car's interior was silent, despite Seraphine being seated beside him, while his oldest cousin and Aunt both rode in the vehicle in front, leading them to the place the hulking redhead mentioned earlier. Their target was located in the Southwest of the city, only a few short minutes away from Petrovich's house, and that was pretty much the only information Bryn was willing to share about the place.

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