Chapter 49 - Bryn's Rank breakthrough

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Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 49! CULTIVATION BREAKTHROUGH, LET'S GO!!!!

Here's chapter 49 as promised (If the scheduling worked).

See ya next week!


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For those interested, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse:

'Ben Parker, a former Special Forces' Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, with three Perks granted to him by an unknown entity, will have to grow his cultivation along his loved ones and teammates while navigating the Earth, a planet full of interesting but dangerous secrets.


Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

As the words left his lips, his gaze was unconsciously attracted to the only person in the room, the woman uttering the grunts he heard while standing in the corridor, and his cousin: Brynhild. The redhead, who was usually stoic in every circumstance was sitting cross-legged on the floor, while her face was visibly distorted with what he could guess was great agony. What stunned him was not her facial expression, however, but two other things. The first was the growing pressure coming from the seated woman, the obvious origin of his sixth sense's previous warning. Was it because the difference in strength between him and her was increasing quickly or because he became more sensitive as his own strength kept improving quickly? He was not sure and did not give it too much attention, to be honest.

At least, now that he knew that she was the cause of his uneasiness, his worry about the other two girls' safety vanished completely. Instead, the one he was concerned about was Bryn. The reason for that was the current unstable state of her body. The flesh all over her body was rippling vigorously as if it was about to detach itself from her skeleton. As for her bones, they sounded like they were repeatedly broken over and over again, the hair-raising noise being so loud that the young man almost felt like it came from his own body. The scene looked so awful that, if he did not feel the growing pressure coming from her direction, which assured him that she was 'fine', he would have lost himself to the feeling of terror. The fact that the cultivation books he read in the past mentioned that a cultivator could have his/her body rebuilt in special circumstances, such as a Rank Breakthrough, also helped calm his tense mind.

Nonetheless, he still pondered hard about what he could do to help the woman transition more easily to the Chi Gathering Rank. After a moment, and despite his unwillingness, the young man had to, unfortunately, admit that there was nothing he could do besides waiting idly on the side until her physical transformation ended. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Demian suddenly thought. 'I might as well go back upstairs to tell the girls about what's happening. That way, they won't worry about the danger I warned them about earlier.' As soon as he decided on what to do, his body turned back, and with a powerful push from his right leg, his body was propelled forward at a speed that would be almost indiscernible to an untrained human's eyes.

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