Chapter 15 - Suspicious people following them?

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Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

Nodding to her explanation, he replied. "Don't worry about Aunty and Sera. I won't let anyone hurt them. Not when I am finally able to protect them..." Probably noting the determination in his voice, she nodded and ended the serious conversation with an "I trust you". Afterward, they switched to lighter subjects until they were interrupted by the noises of footsteps coming toward them from inside. "So you were there!" A sleepy but familiar voice exclaimed with satisfaction.

As if mentally synced, the two turned their heads simultaneously to look at the new arrival. It was Adeliya in her pajamas with a cute but sleepy smile as she looked at the two young adults. Despite all his willingness to not look anywhere but her face, he could not help himself from noting how stretched her shirt was, all due to her impressive bust. Coupled with the way her pair of shorts highlighted her sexy round hips, it made for an image too alluring for Demian's male brain.

'She's really clueless, isn't she? I may be her nephew, but I'm still a healthy teenager, for God's Sake...' Falling in a daze for a few short seconds, he nonetheless woke up quickly enough to notice the attractive and mature woman in front of him cocking her eyebrow, her lips slightly turned upward in a small proud smile.

'She noticed, didn't she? So awkward...' He thought while faking a cough, trying to defuse the embarrassing situation. "Hey, Aunty! How was your sleep?" Chuckling at his obvious deflection, she answered. "I've slept well. What about the two of you?" After exchanging the usual pleasantries, the young man asked, with some curiosity lacing his voice. "Aunty, are you gonna work today?"

Shaking her head, she replied. "No, I'd planned to take today off a few weeks ago already. I just want to spend the day with my three darlings... Well, half-a-day for you Bryn since you'll be leaving after lunch." Scratching his chin in bewilderment, he asked. "Was I the only one not knowing that Big Sis was leaving after lunch?"

Nodding their head in sync, the two women said. "Yes, you were." Bryn added. "That's because you weren't listening the few times we talked about it." Adeliya however tried to defend him. "To be fair, Demian's always exhausted after his daily training." "It sounds like excuses to me." The muscular woman retorted, a bit of teasing hidden in her apparently dispassionate tone.

Holding his hands up in defeat. "Fine fine! I'm in the wrong here. Sorry, Sis. I'll pay more attention next time." "You better." Her almost complete lack of facial expression could not hide the amusement in her voice, prompting him to tease back. "I've never heard you joking so much. It feels weird. In a good way, of course. What I mean is I'm happy for you. I... Alright, I'll stop now."

Chuckling together at his clumsy attempt at explaining himself, the two women then started to move toward the dinner table, leaving the young man with a very attractive view of their curvy backside. 'Aunty's is definitely bigger, but Bryn's seems firmer... And still big... Damn it! What am I thinking about? Focus, Demian! Focus!' He thought, distracted for a brief moment.

Shaking his head to clear his lustful thoughts, the brown-haired man followed them while listening to their conversation, intervening from time to time to give his opinion on the subject at hand. That was how the morning went by, with some conversation between the three women (Sera joined them a few minutes later) and him, and a shared lunch.

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