Chapter 42 - My perks are surprisingly versatile [R-18]

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Hello, dear readers! Double release for you guys with this chapter and the previous one. You guys will finally get to read those two R18 chapters, which are... Let's say 'long' and 'stimulating'.

Anyway, I'll let you enjoy those two chapters in peace!


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For those interested, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse:

'Ben Parker, a former Special Forces' Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, with three Perks granted to him by an unknown entity, will have to grow his cultivation along his loved ones and teammates while navigating the Earth, a planet full of interesting but dangerous secrets.


Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

Sera put both of her hands on his muscular chest before pushing him lightly to the side. Following what she clearly expected of him, he let himself fall on his back, the mattress cushioning his short 'drop'. While patting around with her delicate hands, the petite redhead lifted her charming body glistening with perspiration until she sat on his toned stomach.

Looking at her patting around his upper body, feeling every contour of his muscles, he thought amusedly. 'Is she patting around to know where she's going or just to grope me?' He, however, did not make any remark out loud. After all, the sensation was highly enjoyable, so why should he complain about it?

Once the naked woman seemed to have found the right position, she started lowering her upper body to kiss him briefly, before taking a page from his book by leaving a trail of kisses from his lips to his neck, all the while gently caressing his pectoral muscles until she reached his own stiff nipples where she copied his previous actions of teasing her breasts.

Unlike what he thought, the three-pronged 'attack' almost made him explode. Almost. Letting out a grunt of both relief and pleasure, the young man however spotted the mischievous smile on her face making him certain that she noticed how close he came to climaxing.

His guess was confirmed when her small mouth moved to his right nipple while her right hand kept teasing his left one and her left hand trailed down along the ridge vertically separating his abdominal muscles. The lower her hand traveled, the slower it became and the more he felt his control slipping, with his entire body tensing in preparation for his unavoidable climax. He only had a small window of 'rest' when she had to bypass her own thigh blocking the way for her hand.

As soon as her exquisite fingers unwittingly brushed against his erect shaft, the latter still covered by his underwear, his mind blanked for a brief moment before feeling an incredible sensation of pleasure coursing through his whole body, pushing his mind to a place he had never been before.

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