Chapter 18 - The penthouse attack (Part 1)

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Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

["...There are some new developments about the terrorist attack on the People's City Hall in Molvograd. Our great leaders from the Crimson Circle Party organized a huge investigation to find the culprit. Although the latter has not been found yet, during a press conference, the investigators shared some of the information they gleaned. The most important being the alleged source of the attack..."]

["...Western Supes using their powers... Representatives from the Crimson Circle demanded an explanation from Vulpes International, the latter being the Freedom League representatives..."]["...The dangerous Supe female killer is still on the run... Left three dead policemen in a small town in our great country of Molkovia... Disappeared afterward..."]

When the voice of the anchorwomen resounded in the silent living room, Adeliya and Demian could not help but frown, the latter even commented. "I remember now why I never watch the News. Bad news after bad news. Can't they report on good things for once?"

Adeliya shook her head before replying. "It's just a way to control the population. Look at the City Hall's bombing. They keep saying that it comes from the West, but who knows if it's the truth?" Sighing in disappointment, the young man kept silent, but could not help but remember his old world.

'Whether it's here or there, it's always the same thing. The Western governments accuse the Eastern governments of doing every bad thing, and vice versa. It's always easier to push the blame on a perceived enemy...' His train of thought was however broken when the mature woman's following words reached his ears.

"Although... I can't help but notice the number of Supes going up... It's a bit worrying..." Turning his gaze in her direction, he questioned. "What do you mean?" Gazing back at him, she explained herself. "Think about it. In the past, Supes were rare, and the Freedom League and the Crimson Patriots were more or less capable of managing them. But now? It feels like I keep hearing about new ones popping up every day. If it keeps going that way, do you really think the League and the Patriots can deal with everything?"

Now that his Aunt pointed out the situation, the brown-haired man started to realize the gravity of the situation. 'I never really paid attention to the News, so that's probably why I didn't notice anything... If I want to be powerful enough to protect the girls, I'll probably need to amp up my training.' He inwardly decided before answering out loud.

"I doubt it. We'll need to find a way to protect ourselves in case we're targeted by Supes..." Scrunching her delicate eyebrows, Adeliya retorted. "But how? It's not like any of us is a Su..." As if something suddenly came to her mind, her eyes moved to look into his, her meaning being painfully obvious in his eyes.

Hesitating for a few seconds, he seemed to find his resolve after feeling his petite cousin in his arms and the beautiful face of his Aunt on his side. "Yes, you guessed it. I'm a Supe." A chuckle escaped the sightless beauty in his arms, while a small smile erased the frown on the mature redhead.

Understanding their thoughts, a wry smile surfaced on his face, his following words prompting the two women to nod. "You both knew, didn't you?" Seeing their reaction, he could not help but feel a bit sullen. "It was that obvious?" Lifting her head to 'look' at his face, Seraphine replied with a knowing smile. "Do you want the truth or a lie?"

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