1 | July: Firework Confessions

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Love is like a firework; at first, there's a spark that erupts with the glow of a thousand stars, feeling of euphoria that bursts into a 'never-want-this-to-end' moment.

That's what it felt like the first time I kissed my best friend the summer after our college graduation.

The air by the lake was humid and filled with promise. A bonfire glowed and crackled from beside us while our friends giggled and yelled as they chased one another around the trees.

"I'm really gonna miss this," I said, clutching at the fraying strands of rope that held up my favorite swing. My feet scraped against the gravel. "We have to go be adults now."

The sky consistently erupted with colors of white and gold, dispersing the last of our innocence before we all went our separate ways.

Alexander, or Dex as I affectionately had nicknamed him, grinned from beside me. "Ames, we've been adults for years now."

"Yeah, but now it's official." I waved a hand at the scene in front of us. "We just graduated from college and we are starting jobs. That's what really marks adulthood."

My twin, Eloise, shrieked in the background as her current boy-of-the-week picked her up and threw her into the lake. Her carefree attitude allowed her to go through boys like she went through clothes. I, however, preferred to spend as much precious time with my best friend as possible. I liked the consistency and didn't want anything to change.

"Then maybe we should enjoy what's left of our childhood before it's gone." Dex pulled me to my feet. He grabbed a sparkler from the box on the picnic table and clicked a lighter.

"This spark represents our almost two decade friendship," Dex said, holding the stick between his fingers. The light shining in front of us lit up his brown eyes. "Something I hope we can have for a long time."

"If only you weren't leaving next week." I reached up and laced my fingers together around his neck.

This is it, Amelia. Tell him how you feel.

"Ames, we've lived next door to each other since we were four years old. Nothing is going to change between us." Dex placed his hands on my shoulders. "I promise."

I sighed and plopped my head on his chest. "Dex, you're my best friend. You're moving away, starting over, and—"

"And nothing is going to change how I feel about you," he jumped in.

My heart pounded in my chest. I hadn't anticipated that. Ever since I was fifteen, I'd wanted something more with Dex. I never even knew how he felt about me. Until now at twenty-three.

"H-how do you feel about me?" I asked.

He reached up and tucked my blonde hair behind my ears. "I like you, Amelia. A lot. And I guess...I don't know, I never had the courage to tell you until now." He leaned in close until I could feel his breath tickle my skin.

"You have terrible timing," I whispered.

"So I've been told." Dex closed the gap between us. His lips landed on mine and he pulled my body close to his by hooking his finger through my belt loop.

Loud booms echoed above us, exploding into a plethora of colors in the sky. I melted into Dex's embrace, never wanting to let go. He slid his hands up my bare back, rubbing small circles with his thumbs. The moment was perfect. Finally, me and Dex together with nothing that could stop us.

And then that same glow that brought so much euphoria and so much happiness fizzles out, the remnants fading until all that was remains no more.

Because moments like what I had with Dex only last so long

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