14 | September: Boxers or Briefs?

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Braden decided to crash at my place after our night out. We decided to take my car back—Eloise drove as the designated driver—and pick his up in the morning.

"Are you sure you want to stay over?" I asked for what seemed like the millionth time. Eloise groaned behind me muttering something under her breath about how I was 'so annoying'.

"Yes, I promise you that I do." Braden covered my hand with his. "Are you sure that you want me to? Because I can take a cab home and figure out my car tomorrow."

"I do want you here." I bit my lip. "It's just that, well, we haven't exactly talked sleeping arrangements."

Braden grinned. "Usually I wait until we've got a few glasses of wine in me first."

I whacked him playfully as we fell beside each other on the couch. "Braden, I'm serious. This is the first time you're staying over."

He pulled me into his lap. "Are you worried about what might happen between us?" He brushed his fingers lightly down my arm, sending tingles down my spine.

"Kinda." My words came out so quietly, I wasn't sure I'd actually spoken.

"You know, I'm perfectly happy sleeping on the couch," she said.

Eloise walked across the room and snorted as she caught my gaze. "Yeah, because you're not De—"

I narrowed my eyes at her and she snapped her mouth shut. Then catching Braden's frown, I said, "Just my sister being my sister. Ok, so the couch. Lucky for you it doubles as a bed."

He kissed me. "Even if it didn't, I would be fine. I don't want to make you do anything you're uncomfortable with."

"This'll be fine." I stroked my fingers over the stubble across his jawline. "Let me go get you something to wear." I peeled myself out of his embrace and went to find a pair of old sweatpants.

Braden followed behind. "You have something that'll fit me? I mean I'd get it if you don't want me sleeping in my boxers, I'm happy to stay in my jeans."

Eloise mouthed the word 'boxers' really obnoxiously across the room, and I resisted the urge to throw a pillow at her. I hadn't even been thinking about that, and now I couldn't get the potential image out of my mind.

"You know I don't think I've ever seen your room before," Braden mused as I fumbled around in the open closet to find him something to wear.

"There's never been a reason for you to see it before now." My cheeks flushed as I realized the implications of what I'd just said. "I-I mean, it's not really something—"

"Relax, Ames. I'm just messing with you," he said, flashing me a grin.

Luckily, I'd found what I was looking for: an old pair of sweats that Dex once left at my old house. I'd brought them with me to the apartment so he'd have a spare change of clothes whenever he came to visit, but they'd come in handy now for a sleepover that made my stomach flip-flop. "Bathroom is right through there," I said, pointing. There's another door connecting from the hall so make sure you lock both. And then, um, if you can go out through the hall door, I'm gonna get changed too."

Braden nodded, taking the sweatpants from me and locking the bathroom door. I quickly stripped out of my party clothes and threw on an oversized shirt with a pair of spandex shorts underneath. Then I ventured out to the living room to set up the bed for Braden.

Eloise sauntered into the room, pretending to hide but failing. "Him staying over is a big step," she commented.

"I know. But I really like him, and we've both had a lot to drink tonight so it's for the best that he's out here."

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