6| August: Miss Freeman, Formerly Callahan

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August 15th


Sounds like you've had quite a whirlwind! I'm sure that's not at all what you expected with this guy. Does he make you happy? That's the main thing. I know you, Ames, and you can get through anything. A kid changes things but does it change how you feel about him? Keep living it up, you're doing great.

Talk soon,


Life as a teacher showed me a new side to elementary school I'd never witnessed before: the teacher's job is never done. This was something that stuck with me after watching Lucy in class and the way she struggled with reading. And yet, for all the days that Braden picked her up after school—late each time—she and I would spend a few minutes working on some extra practice.

"Miss Lawence," Lucy asked at the end of the first week. "Can we read the moo—mowse book?

"Again?" I was pleased she enjoyed it. It was wonderful watching her begin to feel comfortable with reading the words, but still she struggled in class with the other students.

"Uh huh." Her little head nodded up and down and she looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes.

"Of course."

She settled in a beanbag chair, leaning over my shoulder while I sat with my legs tucked beneath me on the floor.

"If you give a mouse a cookie," I began. Lucy's breath was warm on my cheek from where she perched. Her small fingers curled around the ends of my hair. "He's going to ask for—"

A pair of heels clicked their way across the linoleum floor. "Mrs. Lawrence?" a strong feminine voice called out.

I stood up, easing Lucy carefully away from her spot nestled against my shoulder, and smoothed down my skirt. "It's 'Miss', actually. Hi, you must be Ms. Callahan."

"Mommy!" Lucy squealed, running over to catapult into her mother's long, slender legs.

Ms. Callahan's dark hair was tied back into a simple twist and she held a Prada handbag between perfectly manicured fingers. She smiled ever so slightly at the child clinging to her and extended a hand in my direction. "Formerly, Callahan. Linda Freeman, pleasure to meet you. How was Lucy today?"

"She was great as always. We were just reading one of her favorite stories together."

"Miss Law-ence reads me the cookie mouse book every day," Lucy contributed.

I beamed down at her as Lucy gave me a cheeky grin. "Are you and, um, Mr. Callahan coming to the Parent-Teacher night next week?"

"Yes, I'll be there. Braden should be there as well, but we haven't quite talked about it yet," Linda replied. She fiddled with the straps of her daughter's backpack.

"No worries." An awkward silence spread between us, broken up only by the slow ticking of the clock on the wall.

Miss Freeman looked me up and down. "Braden speaks very highly of you, Miss Lawrence."

I swallowed. "Does he?"

"Hm." Linda turned up her nose. "Lucy worships her father. I'm sure it's just because she talks about you on his nights."

Lucy nodded at us. "That's because Miss La-wence is the bestest."

I laughed. "Thank you, Lucy." I turned back to Linda. "I look forward to seeing you and, um, hopefully Lucy's dad next week at the event. Have a great weekend."

With a smile and a wave, Linda left with Lucy clutching at her hand.

"Mommy, Miss Law-la-wence read me the cookie moose book!" I heard Lucy say to her mom as they walked down the hall.

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