16 | October: A Double Dare*

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*Disclaimer: This chapter contains non-explicit sexual content. It does, however, a very cheesy sexual-implied strip game that occurs. If you do not like reading that type of content, feel free to skip over that part of the chapter.

Two weeks later, on the Saturday before Halloween, I ran around the apartment in a panic as I tried to finish packing for the camping retreat with Braden. Daphne and Eloise had volunteered their services on what I should bring, and I shot down almost every single idea.

"You're bringing your bikini, right?" Daphne asked with her head stuck in my closet.

"What for?" I pulled out a piece of fabric from my duffle and wrinkled my nose as I tossed it back onto the bed.

Daphne scoffed and turned around, holding out my swimsuit to me. "Because you're going on a camping retreat to a lake. I can't imagine you're not going to swim." Her lips twitched into a knowing smile. "Unless you're going to not be wearing anything to swim."

I swatted her with my arm. "I'll be wearing a swimsuit, thank you very much. Toss it in."

"When's Braden supposed to pick you up?"

I glanced at the clock. "He said ten. It's only about a thirty minute drive to get to the campsite."

"Alright then we better keep moving." She stood with her hands on her hips, assessing the duffle bag. "Do me a favor, wear your suit under your clothes today. It's mild for October—finally—and you never know when you might take a dip."

"Smart idea." I nodded and went to change, adding a cropped plaid shirt and booty shorts to complete the look.

A few quick beeps from a car horn sounded through the walls. When I went to the window, Braden was outside leaning against the driver's side of his car. It wasn't his usual car—this one was a forest green jeep with open windows.

"He's here," I breathed out. My heartbeat quickened.

Daphne squeezed my arm. "Remember to have fun, okay?"

I nodded then went to find my sister. "El, he's here!"

Eloise came out of her room, her eyes shining with mischief. I expected her to make some sort of comment but all she did was wrap me into a hug.

"Have fun and be safe," she whispered.

"Thank you," I whispered back.

Daphne handed me my duffle and I tugged a cap over my hair before rushing out of the apartment to meet Braden. He grinned when he saw me, opening the trunk to the jeep.

"You ready for the best weekend of your life?" he asked, his blue eyes catching the early morning sun. He looked really good today, wearing a simple Metallica t-shirt and shorts.

"Absolutely!" I climbed into the passenger seat, waving to my sister and best friend who were watching from the apartment window.

Braden put the car into gear and we headed out. He cranked up the music and together we sang along, laughing and letting our responsibilities wash away like the rain.

"I'm really excited to get to spend the weekend with you," I said. Gravel crunched beneath the tires as Braden pulled the car to a stop at the campground parking lot. There were two other cars lined up beside ours.

"Me too." Braden parked the car and walked around to the back to open the trunk. "I want to give you a warning, though. My friends...well, they can be a bit intense. And since my breakup with Linda, they've been hesitant to let in someone new. I got them to make an exception this time around."

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