17 | October: Spooked

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Braden and I didn't talk about what happened between us at the lake on the camping retreat. We knew it would just lead to a repeat, and as much as we both wanted it, we couldn't risk it until we found a time to be alone—really alone—with each other. All we needed to say was evident in our eyes the moment we locked in on each other that Monday at school through Wednesday when it was Halloween.

"Holy crap," Daphne said, keeping her voice low so the kids wouldn't hear. "Ames, I thought you said nothing was going to happen?"

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I pried my gaze from Braden's retreating form. "Yeah, well, sometimes you can't plan these things. What time are the parents arriving for the parade?" I needed to change the subject as quickly as possible.

Daphne checked her schedule. "Twelve-thirty. The kids'll have lunch and recess then come back to get changed into their costumes. Parade starts at one-thirty."

Good. My fingers itched to text Braden to meet me before the parade, but we'd promised each other we had to keep our distance. Otherwise we might not be able to stop.

"Seriously, the tension radiating off of you two is—"

"Daph!" I cried, exasperated. "Please. I'm trying not to think about him. Because the more I do, the more I wish...no, let's just drop it."

My friend nodded but I could tell she didn't want to let this go.

"We have to start class, I'll see you at the parade," I said, closing the door to my classroom and shutting her out.

I took a deep breath. I needed to act normal. Everything was normal.

"Okay, class!" I turned to my fidgeting group of first-graders. "Who's ready for Halloween?"


By lunch, the kids were extremely restless. I let them do their free reading time early since it was a special day. Lucy had made a lot of progress in just a few months, and she immediately gravitated toward the carpet where she opened a book and started reading to her little clan of followers.

I smiled. She certainly got that spunk from her dad.

"She's grown a lot in just a few weeks," Braden commented, leaning against my desk. "I think we made the right call with the extra help. Plus, she has a pretty awesome teacher."

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. "Thanks, Braden. She's got a pretty great set of parents, too. You're first and foremost her inspiration for a lot of things."

His hand inched towards mine. While before I would've snatched it back because we were at school, I let him linger there just for a minute.

"Miss Lawrence."

I jumped at the sound of the school principal's voice sounding behind me. Braden and I parted to find Victoria Mullins standing with her hands clasped together over her stomach, her eyes narrowed at the two of us.

"Please come with me, both of you." She nodded toward Braden. Without even waiting for a response, Victoria turned on her heel and started back down the hallway.

I glanced at Braden and we hurried after her. I re-opened the joining door between the classrooms, giving Daphne the ability to check on my students while I was with the principal. Daphne caught my gaze as I left the classroom. We shared a silent acknowledgment.

Victoria led us into the main office and suddenly I felt like I was back in high school, being reprimanded for some petty little thing. The school secretary regarded us over the top of her glasses, pursing her lips. I frowned. Helen always greeted me in the mornings when I arrived at school or anytime I had questions. Now she looked at me like I was something out of The Scarlet Letter.

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