4 | July: Something More Than Cliche

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July 29th


I have just one more week before I start classes! I've gotten all of my materials together and get to go in to decorate my classroom now. I also met this really great guy a few weeks ago. We've hit it off but I'm still keeping myself open to what could happen. We haven't exactly figured out what we are yet, but we're going bowling on Friday. Do you remember how much you used to tease me about how bad I was? Gosh, I miss that. I'm hoping to redeem myself in your honor. I hope you're having fun in Cali.

Miss you,


The smell of sweat and overpriced pizza hit my nose the minute I walked into Up My Alley bowling center the following Friday. Braden shook out his umbrella that had been shielding us on the mat by the front door. Even though the day decided to bring us rain, bowling was a perfect cozy activity to drown away the storm. We walked up to the counter and got settled with our shoes and a lane.

"Do you want to go first?" Braden asked, balancing one of the bowling balls on three fingers.

"Sure." I took the ball from him and walked up to the lane, lining myself up with the pins on the other end.

"Take a deep breath and let go of the swing," Dex had taught me the last time we went bowling.

I inhaled deeply through my nose, only exhaling through my mouth when I let the ball sail from my fingers down the lane...and into the gutter. "Dammit." I pouted as I walked about to where Braden was standing. "Your turn."

His blue eyes twinkled as he set up. I watched the way his arms moved, feet planted firmly and only taking the necessary steps forward. His left leg swept behind him as the ball left his hand. Rolling, rolling, rolling, clank!

Eight pins down, but the remaining two were on opposite sides.

He grabbed another ball and took a shot. The ball rolled seamlessly down the lane, listing to the left and smacking one of the pins so that it launched itself into the other.

Braden pumped his fist in the air and began to do a very strange 'happy dance', leaving me in a fit of laughter.

"What the heck was that?" I managed to get out in between giggles. My hands gripped my sides.

He shrugged. "Beginner's luck, I guess."

I playfully whacked his arm. "That's not what I meant, but okay. My turn." I grabbed another ball—this one was pink and weighed less than the one Braden had used. With bowl hands gripping the bowling ball, I clambered forward. At the top of the lane, I swung both hands back and then forward, releasing the ball with a thud.

Watching and quietly encouraging the ball to steer away from the gutter, it balanced precariously on the edge before managing to knock over a solid four pins.

Braden clapped politely at my attempt; I stuck out my tongue at him. My second turn knocked down two more.

It went on this way through the rest of the rounds in our game. Braden won with a solid lead over me. I'd volunteered partway through the game that the loser would buy dinner, but I hadn't expected as much of an epic loss as what ended up happening.

"So, you still want me to buy you dinner?" I asked, hooking two fingers in my bowling shoes and slinging my purse over the opposite shoulder.

Braden shrugged. "I'd be down for that."

"A deal's a deal." I plunked the shoes down on the return counter and turned to him. "What are you feeling tonight? Italian? Mexican?"

"I know this great steakhouse down the road if you're interested in that?" he suggested.

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