chapter 1

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"Let's end this..I don't want to see you anymore!!" The young man angrily shouted at him.. Yibo's eyes suddenly snapped open.. another nightmare.. the same nightmare had been visiting him for five years already.. It's his ex-boyfriend.. he suddenly broke up with him when they were in highschool.. Maybe because they were still too young at that time.. They quarrel on every petty thing. They are both jealous, if he sees his ex talking to some random girl or boy that he didn't know of, it will surely start a fight, same as him, his ex is also like that, small things can ignite a fight between them.. but most of the time they're like honey to each other . They can't take their hand off each other.. When they are alone they would kiss passionately that would lead to making out.. they really love each other so much, as a matter of fact he still loves him, till now. Just that, when that same scene in his dream happened before, out of their many break ups, that last one is the final straw.. his ex suddenly disappeared. He hasn't seen him ever since.. His classmate told him that he transferred to another school but no one can give the exact place. He prayed everyday to be able to see him again.. but it didn't happen. Until he finished college. And now he started working for a company in Beijing.. His phone rings.. Yibo stretched his hand to get the phone on his bedside table. He saw the name on the screen, it's Kim Sung-joo. They became friends in college. Actually he's been showing interest in him ever since but he immediately told him that he can't because he's still in love. With his ex.. and Sung-joo told him that it's okay, he will wait for the time that he is ready for another relationship, so they settle to be friends..


"I just want to greet you good morning!! Are you getting ready for work??"

They work at the same company but different departments..

"I just woke up, but yes!!"

"Okay.. see you later bobo.."

"Okay!! Bye.." he tapped the end button then let the phone fall on his bed.. Yibo sat on his bed and stretched his arms then yawned. He got up and headed for his bathroom then started his day.

***Xiao zhan just finished making the bed in the spare room of his house.. he's been diligently cleaning it because he's planning to get a boarder so he could get extra income from it.. He's actually running a pastry shop just in front of his house..  he graduated from culinary arts school in the University of Beijing.. Then when his grandmother died he was surprised to learn that his grandmother gave him this house and lot in the middle of Beijing, since there is a big space in front of the house he decided to just build a pastry shop.. Because the location is good for business which his parents supported, they lend him some money to start his business.. and the good thing is he already returned half of the money of his parents and now they already told him to stop paying for the other half because that would be their gift for him which made him very thankful.. he's so lucky.. he was standing and admiring how he made the room so cozy when he heard the door bell rang..

"Coming!" Xiao zhan left the room and locked it.. he headed to the living room and opened the door.

"Hi!" Zhi Guang greeted him then pecked a kiss on his cheek. "Good morning"

"Hi!" Why are you here?

"Why? You don't want to see me?" Zhi Guang frowned

"No Of course not.. I thought you had a business trip today.."

"Yes! But I decided to take a detour here before heading to Chengdu, it's still early for my flight, I still have five hours.."

"Oh..okay.. come inside.." Zhi Guang handed Xiao zhan the box of chocolate and the bouquet of red roses. Zhi Guang's family is a family friend of the Xiao's. He's been pursuing him for a long time but he accepted him only last month they are still in the 3rd week of the relationship. He's so nice all the time with Xiao zhan... Xiao zhan's been denying Zhi Guang for a long time and for so many times because he really can't feel love with him, yes he liked him, he's nice,  caring and very supportive of him.. but also Xiao zhan's been single for a long time already, he's not lacking when it comes to guys liking him, but he's always turning them down.. because somewhere in the corner of his heart a person from his past still owns his heart.. but since it's been a long time already and he thinks that he needs to stop already thinking about that person he accepted Zhi Guang, next to the person he loves Zhi Guang is the best option.

"What were you doing before I came?"

"I finished arranging the spare room.."

"Ahhh.. I told you already I'll be your boarder.."

"Shut up! Your condo is so nice, why would you settle in my little room.." he laughs at him.

"I don't care if it's small as long as I can see you everyday then that would be nice.."

"Forget it okay!! Later I will put the advertisement outside the shop."

"Good luck honey.. I hope you'll get a nice boarder.."

"Thank you!" xiao zhan smiles at him awkwardly, he's still not used to hearing him using an endearment on him.


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