chapter 12

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Xiao zhan found Yibo drunk in the living room..

"Hey! Why did you let yourself get this drunk???" He pulled him from the floor, Yibo is curled like an infant on the carpeted floor.. when he pulled his hand he sat but still his head was hanging, his legs were sprawled..  Xiao zhan crouched in front of him. "Hey!" He pointed at Yibo's forehead pushing it again and again because it kept on coming back to hanging.. then suddenly he slowly looked up at him then pout..

"You... You're so rude... I hate you.."


"Why here...??? Just go, sleep with that guy!!!"

Xiao zhan chuckled.. "you can't talk to me like disobeyed one of my house rules,.."


"It's okay to drink but don't be in the house super drunk.."

"Well.. I'm not drunk.."

"Huh!! Look at you, you can't even stand on your own.."

"I can.." Yibo supported himself with his arms on the floor and tried to stand.. Xiao zhan immediately held him.. "Zhi Guang!!!! Look at your boyfriend he's touching me!!" Yibo yelled.

"Crazy!!" Xiao zhan laughs.. "do you want me to hit you???"

"Hit me!!" Yibo even turns one side of his face to Xiao zhan asking to be slapped. Xiao Zhan put his palm gently on his face. " be a good boy and come with me to your room.."

*** Inside the room he laid Yibo on the bed then cleaned his face and arms with a wet towel.. Yibo's eyes were closed but he knows he's still not sleeping.. he keeps on babbling and calling him.. Then while he's combing Yibo's hair with his hand, yibo wrapped both of his arms around his neck.

"Wait you're heavy!"

"I'm not asking you to carry me.. you can just lean on my chest if you want.." then without a warning he pulled him closer making Xiao zhan fall above him, then Yibo's mouth is already on his.. not giving him a chance to protest.. kissing him passionately, tongue licking and moving nonstop inside his mouth, Xiao zhan got dizzy,  both of his arms are supporting him on either side of Yibo, he's careful not to crash on Yibo too much. Yibo's hands that are wrapped on his neck before are now caressing his neck and shoulders.. Xiao zhan is already getting carried away by the hot tide of desire, his hands that were limp before are now starting to make their way inside Yibo's shirt, but suddenly the eager kisses of yibo slowly became pecks until it stopped.. He's unconscious under Xiao zhan.

"You're really asking to be hit" he sighed then kissed Yibo's lips once more.. "I'm free now, to love you.. but I won't tell you, that's your punishment for sleeping on me! Hmp!!" He tucked Yibo and got out of his room..

"Good morning!!"Xiao Zhan greeted Yibo when he walked to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?? Just wait five more minutes.."

"Okay.."then he sat on the dining table, he's been wondering if Xiao zhan is angry because he got drunk last night, he didn't even know how he got to his bed. "Ahmm..zhan zhan"

"Yes?" Xiao zhan said while walking to the table, holding the plate of pancakes..

"Sorry! If I broke one of your rules.."


" I won't do it again.."

"It's didn't do too much mess anyway.. by the way, why did you get so drunk last night?? Do you have a problem??" Xiao zhan gazed at Yibo while putting the plate on the table, he even moved the honey bottle near Yibo..

"No.. I just want to free some stress from work.."

"Ohhh.. okay.. " he sat across Yibo and smiled sweetly at him. "Then let's eat!"

While eating they both take glances at each other, every time Xiao zhan caught Yibo glance at him he will smile at him but Yibo will  return his gaze at the food and refrain from talking to him..

"I'm finished.. I have to go to work now.. thank you for the breakfast..."

"Ok.. bye.."  xiao zhan secretly smiled at himself.. "still angry at me.."


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