chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Covid struck the whole country and the government declared quarantine, Yibo's job is still continued but everything is done online while Xiao zhan business is much needed at this time, because if people  have a pass to go out they immediately run to the nearest food store and buy tons of foods, and cookies and bread are in demand, that's why Xiao zhan, minimize his cake production but added on his cookies and breads supplies.. the business is really booming at this moment but really tiring. In Yibo's case, this quarantine gave him the chance to be with Xiao zhan, stuck in the house 24 hours a day.. and keeping his boyfriend from visiting.. but Zhi Guang always calls whenever he' s not busy..

As usual after dinner Xiao zhan busied himself with baking..

Yibo stands behind him.. "what's the flavor of those cookies?" He pointed at the tray with green cookies...

"Those are matcha"  Xiao zhan picked one and raised it in front of him "come taste this?" Yibo didn't take it but bit the cookies from Xiao zhan's hands..

"! It's yummy..

Xiao zhan smiled, Yibo noticed the blushing ears of Xiao zhan "he's shy.." he happily said to himself..

"I'll finish the rest of the cookies.." he said and was about to bite again the cookies that Xiao zhan is holding..when Xiao zhan's other hand stopped him by pointing a finger on his forehead.

"Are you a baby?? Give me your hand."

Yibo smiled and lent his hand.. xiao zhan put the half of his cookies on Yibo's palm.. he ate it while still looking at him.

"Hmm.. so delicious!!!"

"Hmp! Don't flatter me!! Go back to the living room and watch some movies.."

"I'll help you.."

Xiao zhan sighed.. "okay.. go fix this box" he showed him the red box and showed him how to fix it.. "after you fix the box put a small tape under it to secure it, okay? Then take 10 pieces of cookies, put it inside nicely, then after closing the lid put these stickers.." Xiao zhan showed him a square sticker with the name of his store.. the front of the box is plastic so you can see clearly what flavor of cookies are inside.."wear these plastic gloves first" Yibo nod like a good boy listening to the instructions.. He already finished 10 boxes of matcha, 10 boxes of chocolate, he is now on his 5th box of vanilla when he stopped what he was doing and stared at the guy next to him.. then out of nowhere he reached for the out of place hair in Xiao zhan's face and tucked it behind his ears.. Xiao zhan side eyed him.. he is busy putting some oat cookies on the box..

"Aren't you gonna help me anymore??"

"Zhan zhan..


"Your hair is longer.."

"Yes!! I'm a bit busy and I don't have time to cut it, and you know we're in a quarantine,  we can't just go to a salon"

"No you don't need to cut it.. it suits you.. You look prettier.."

"I'm a man."

"I know..."

"Then why do you say I'm pretty!!!"

"Because you are.."

Xiao zhan rolled his eyes on him.. he faced him then pinched Yibo's cheeks.. "go back to work!!"


***After bringing all the cookie boxes in the shop, Yibo suddenly disappeared, Xiao zhan thought maybe he's sleepy already.. he cleaned the kitchen and washed all the trays that he used for baking when yibo came back holding a bottle of wine. He eyed him.. Yibo waved the bottle..

"Let's drink this.. I actually have 2 bottles.. we can drink it all tonight if you want.."

"Why would I want to drink everything?? Do I look like a drunkard person to you??

Yibo chuckled. " only if you want.." Yibo went to the cupboard and took 2 wine glasses. "I'll bring this to the living room we can watch Netflix while enjoying these drinks." Xiao zhan nodded

"Hmm..okay.." he dried his hands on the towel then get the cheese from his pantry, he cut the half of the block then cut it to small pieces, he put it in the tray then he took a bag of salted biscuits and put it on a bowl, put it on the tray also.. Xiao Zhan thinks of what to add to their finger foods..

"Oh..okay..I'll just cut some apples.." when he got contented with the foods he prepares he head to the living room while holding the tray of finger foods.. he saw Yibo's sitting at the carpet, he pushed the glass table at the side.. "why are you sitting at the floor??

"It's very comfortable to watch and drink here.. come sit here.." Yibo pat the space beside him.. he is leaning at the lower part of the sofa.. "You want me to put a throw pillow for you to sit??

"No need"  Xiao zhan put the tray in front of them.

"Wow!! That looks appetizing.."

"What are you watching?

Yibo took one piece of biscuit and on munch it before he answered.. "shrek!!"


"What's wrong?? Shrek is a funny movie.. you'll love it.." he poured wine on the glasses then handed xiao zhan a glass..



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