chapter 8

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Chapter 8

They already finished the first bottle and they are now drinking half of the second bottle.. Xiao zhan enjoyed watching shrek, he laughs so much with the first part so they continue watching the second part.. Xiao zhan is laughing but he really feels hot, this is actually because of the alcohol so he doesn't mind, on the other hand Yibo gets red when he is drunk.. specially his ears.. they are still sitting beside each other but this time yibo is sitting so close their arms are touching, yibo can feel the steaming hot coming out of Xiao zhan's body, he can't concentrate on watching, he is now occasionally glancing at the guy beside him, Xiao zhan is sitting carelessly, both of his legs are stretched in front him, yibo sighed, he put his glass on the tray then he get up on his knees then suddenly straddle Xiao zhan, both his knees at the other side of Xiao zhan's thighs, Xiao zhan got startled then look up at Yibo.. Yibo grabbed both of his cheeks while looking down at him, he slowly leaned toward him, Xiao zhan stopped him by placing a hand on Yibo's Lips..

"W..what are you doing???" His heart is pounding so hard..

Yibo stares at him, he didn't answer but took Xiao zhan's hand away from his lips, he then planted a kiss in the middle of his palm, he kissed him while still staring at his eyes making Xiao zhan blushed.. Yibo then proceeded to slide his lips from Xiao zhan's palm down to his arms, when he reached the half of his arms he stopped then took the other hand of Xiao zhan then wrapped both on his nape, making it look like he was hugging him, then he grins at him then hold both of Xiao zhan cheeks again, this time when he leaned closer, Xiao zhan didn't stopped him but he just closed his eyes tightly.. waiting for their lips to touch..

" your eyes.. I want to see them staring at me.." yibo whispers his lips are just inches away from Xiao zhan's lips, he can feel his hot breath on his face, making him feverish. He slowly opened his eyes.. they stared at each other, then finally he felt Yibo's lips on his lips, just a peck at first, then he rained kisses all over Xiao zhan's lips... He even felt him lick under his lips where his mole was placed, Yibo loved licking his mole even before..after that he kissed him deeply.. their mouths are clasped at each other, Yibo tongue then entered Xiao zhan's mouth exploring his oral cavity, playing with his tongue, exchanging saliva with him, then he slides down Xiao zhan's neck, nibbling on it, kissing it the same way as he kissed his lips.. Yibo's hands now are all over Xiao zhan's body, he didn't know when his hand got inside his shirt, caressing his abdomen, pinching at his chest, caressing his hips, when suddenly his hand reached at the garter of Xiao zhan's shorts, he slid his hand inside then touched his manhood above his briefs.. Xiao zhan felt like electricity entered his body, he suddenly pushed Yibo then crawled away from him,  they are now a foot away from each other, both panting.. Xiao zhan licked his swollen lips.. he felt him, sucked his lower lips earlier that made his lips swollen.

" I.. ahmm.. I want. To sleep.." then he crawled once more before standing slowly. Xiao zhan's legs were shaking from the tension, when he regained his posture he hurriedly entered his room and made sure to lock his door.

Yibo is left alone but he feels so happy inside.. he sat down then leaned his head on the sofa seat then put his arms above his eyes, he was catching his breath... "He still tastes so sweet.. my baby.. I won't let another guy kiss you the way I kiss you.. I can still feel your love for me.. you're still mine."

Sleep didn't visit Xiao zhan that night. But on the other hand, after cleaning the living room and washing all the dishes that they used, Yibo goes to his room and sleeps so soundly. He didn't brush his teeth that night because he doesn't want to wash away the kisses that they shared that night. He even continued the kiss in his dream..


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