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  41 BBY is the year Anakin Skywalker was born. Anyone that would be born would've gotten their soulmates' names, however he never got it. His mother was disheartened at the thought of her son not finding his partner. Especially when she had her own soulmate's name- Cliegg Lars. Anakin has always felt that he didn't deserve a soulmate because he didn't get one. It didn't matter if they weren't born yet, he still would've gotten their name. As disappointed and heartbroken he was, he put his mind into the things he can do. Piloting. And possibly become a Jedi to free all slaves.

  Only to have a certain Jedi Master, a Gungan, an R2 unit and a handmaiden, come into the shop of his owner's. He met a beautiful young girl by the name of Padmé. He knew then and there that this girl could and would be the soulmate he imagined. When he was given the chance to join the Jedi after being freed, he accepted only to find out he had to leave his mother. His mom gave him the courage to never look back and he didn't.

  It seems that the Skywalker would have to face some challenges to get the Jedi to teach him. Only for that challenge of his to be flying a fighter into the droid's control ship. Not knowing of what was happening back on the planet of Naboo.

  The Battle of Naboo has ended and the Trade Federation's droid control ship was destroyed. By a 9 year old boy named Anakin Skywalker. Unfornately it came with a cost, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed by Darth Maul who was also killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan was craddling his Master in his arms when Qui-Gon made him promise to train the boy. He accepted as he didn't want to dishonor his Master's last dying wish.

  So this is the start of an adventure for the former Padawan Obi-Wan and ex-slave Anakin. Not only that but the boy would not forget the interest in a certain Queen of Naboo, Padmé Nabriee Amidala.

  What nobody knows though, is that the Force is always in motion. It has plans for its Chosen One. As the prophecy states that he will bring balance to the Force, but what the Force kept secret from everyone was that the Chosen One would need a guide. Someone who has both surpressed and embraced their emotions. Who doesn't care what people think of them as they don't care about standards. Who will help the Chosen One when he needs it, willingly or not.

  This was TEN YEARS AGO so let's hope that the Chosen One aka Anakin Skywalker, is ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and decision-making. Since this might be the longest few days of his life.

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