Chapter III: What's a Jedi?

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  The giant towers of the Republic Executive Building seem to reach the heavens. Traffic clogs the smoggy sky.


  Chancellor Palpatine sits behind his desk with two red-clad royal guards on either side of the door. Yoda, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Mace Windu sit across from him. Behind them stand the Jedi Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee.

  "I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends. More and more star systems are joining the separatists." Chancellor Palpatine explains to the Jedi in his grandfatherly yet politician voice.

  "If they do break away -", Mace Windu starts but gets interrupted by Palpatine, "I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two. My negotiations will not fail!" The Chancellor exclaims in determination.

  Mace Windu continues as if he weren't interrupted, "If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers."

  "Master Yoda, do you think it will really come to war?" Palpatine asks the wise Grand Jedi Master of the Jedi Order. Master Yoda closes his eyes in concentration yet worry, "Worse than war, I fear... Much worse."

  "What?" Palpatine asks in worry with his grandfatherly voice. Mace Windu leans forward in concern, "What do you sense, Master?". "The Dark Side clouds everything. Impossible to see, the future is. But this I am sure of -", opens his eyes to look at his companions, "Do their duty, the Jedi will." Master Yoda reassures the Chancellor.

  A muted buzzer sounds. A hologram of an Aide, Dar Wac, appears on the Chancellor's desk. "The loyalist committee has arrived, my Lord." Dar Wac announces to Chancellor Palpatine in Huttese.

  "Good. We will discuss this matter later. Send them in." Palpatine requests to the Jedi then commands his Aide to let in the Senators.

  They all stand as Senator Amidala, Captain Typho, Mas Amedda, Dormé, and Senators (Bail Organa, Jar Jar Binks and Horox Ryyder) and their Attendants enter the office. Along with an unknown woman that stood on the right behind Senator Amidala, they knew she wasn't an attendant considering what she was wearing.

  What intrigued them was the Jedi Masters, Jedi Padawan and hidden Sith Lord were able to feel how powerful this young woman was. Yoda and Mace made discreet eye-contact with hidden disbelief, wondering how they missed someone with untapped potenial just like a certain rebellious Jedi Padawan before. They decided to discuss it at a later time.

  As Yoda and Mace Windu move to greet the Senator, Yoda taps Amidala with his cane.

  "Padmé, your tragedy on the landing platform, terrible. With you the force is strong... young Senator. Seeing you alive brings warm feeling to my heart." Yoda tells her as he places one of his three-fingered hand on his chest over his heart.

  "Thank you, Master Yoda. It is nice to see a friendly face, especially after that Senators' meeting. Do you have any idea who was behind the attack?" Padmé asks, she was going to play along and act like Dyana had suggested beforehand.

  Mace informs, "Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners, on the moons of Naboo."

  "But I think that Count Dooku was behind it. He must've known about my whereabouts from an inside source." Padmé suggests to them with a disgruntled look. There is a stir of surprise as they look at one another.

  "He is a political idealist, not a murderer." Ki-Adi-Mundi states to Senator Amidala. Mace Windu interjects, "You know, M'Lady, Count Dooku was once a Jedi. He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character."

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