Chapter VI: The Talks

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  The tall spires of the Jedi Temple stand out against the blue sky.


  Obi-Wan and Anakin stand in the center of the Council Chamber. The members of the Jedi Council are seated in a circle surrounding the two Jedi. "Track down this bounty hunter, you must, Obi-Wan." The GrandMaster tells his Great Grand-Apprentice. Master Windu then says, "Most importantly, find out who he's working for." "What about Senator Amidala? She will still need protecting." Obi-Wand asks. Yoda informs the two Jedi, "Handle that, your Padawan will." "Anakin, escort the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo. She'll be safer there. And don't use registered transport. Travel as refugees." Mace advises the Padawan for his mission. Anakin reminds them "As the leader of the opposition, it will be very difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the Capital." "Until caught this killer is, our judgement she must respect." Yoda retorts his Great, Great Grand-Padawan. "Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her." Mace commands Anakin.

  Obi-Wan interrupts before they could be dismissed, "Wait Masters...what do we do about Miss Rossingol? Is she to be trained in the Force?" "Too old, she is. Much too old, indeed. Be trained in the Force, she will not be." Yoda tells Obi-Wan, who is in shock that the Jedi won't teach the young woman. Anakin however, had a small flashback to when he was brought before the Jedi- remembers how they said the same thing about him and didn't like how they were saying this about the woman who could do wonders with the Force. "She should know about this. Her presence is very powerful- almost comparable to mine!- if a Sith still exists then she should learn before they find her!" Anakin states to the Council, outraged at how they were not willing on helping Dyana. "No. Miss Rossingol shows distrust towards to the Jedi Order already. There is no point in training her, if the possibility of her turning to the Darkside is great. Best to let her abilities fade and like Master Yoda said, she is too old." Master Windu informs the impulsive Padawan the Council's reason for not training the Force-sensitive. Yoda then comments "Know about her Force-sensitivity, Rossingol must not. Dismissed, you are." The two Jedi exit the Council Chamber.

  The Jedi Knight didn't approve of the Council's decision but accepts it. The Jedi Padawan blocks his hurtful feelings and thoughts from his Master, thinks about how the Council were treating Dyana the same way they treated him- still to this day! Anakin then decides that he will tell Dyana about it yet after they get into hyperspace. Knows that if she were to get angry at this revelation, every Force-sensitive in Coruscant would sense her emotion. 'I might get in trouble for this, but she deserves the truth. Plus if I were to teach her a few things, maybe she could handle herself afterwards. She seems like the type to stand up for herself.' He thought to himself.


  Anakin and Palpatine stand at the window of Palpatine's office and look out over the vast city. "I will talk to her. Senator Amidala will not refuse an executive order. I know her well enough to assure you of that." Chancellor Palpatine reassures his Jedi "friend". Anakin expresses his appreciation along with mentioning, "Thank you, your Excellency. I'm hopeful that Senator Amidala- and possibly future Senator Rossingol- will listen to you." "Are you saying that the young woman that outspoken to the Jedi, wishes to be a Senator? Does she even represent a planet?" Palpatine questions, hides his sadistic glee on how he might have a higher chance in manipulating the young woman. "No, Dy- Miss Rossingol is a civilian who understands the Mid Rim better than anyone. By Senator Amidala's praise of her. She wants to be the Neutral Negotiator for all planets and people." Anakin explains to the Chancellor, who is facing the window- that is hiding his scowl at his words.

  Palpatine didn't like that the woman wanted that, especially if she is friends with the Senator of Naboo. Yet he knows, he could make sure there would be multiple interruptions before she could make any headway to stop the war. Decides to make a risky gamble and says, "Then I will make it happen. If Senator Amidala is confident in her friend's intelligence and skills then I could get her help in the Senate." "Really?!", Anakin hadn't thought Palpatine would do that but that only increased his admiration for his mentor/friend, "Thank you Your Excellency. I know that she will be surprised by the sudden...promotion?..I guess you would say." "Do not tell M'Lady Rossingol, my friend. I wish to tell her but after the voting and assassination attempts stop on Senator Amidala." The Chancellor requests the young naive Padawan. "Of course Your Excellency." The Apprentice bows his head after a moment of hesitation. "And let us not forget, my young Padawan, they have finally given you an assignment. Your patience has paid off." Anakin responds, "Your guidance more than my patience."  "You don't need guidance, Anakin. In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible. I have said it many times, you are the most gifted Jedi I have ever met." Chancellor Palpatine swiftly strokes Anakin's ego. Palpatine and Anakin turn away from the window and walk through Palpatine's office towards the door. "Thank you, your Excellency." Anakin replies with pride in his voice. Palpatine then states with emphasis in certain words- that wasn't noticeable for Anakin, "I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin. Even more powerful than Master Yoda."

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