Chapter V: Padmé's Near Death Experience...Again

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  Dyana had just left Padmé's room after reviewing certain things for her to know during her time here. Recalling the last bit before she left: For the past few hours, Dyana was taught the history of Naboo and told her the minimal of the planets in the Mid-Rim. That and Padmé gave her a nightgown to sleep in while her handmaiden, Dormé, washes her clothes for tomorrow. She had went into the Senator's bathroom to change, only to notice something after putting on her borrowed nightgown from Padmé.

  Looks at her collarbone in curiosity and fear, didn't understand why she had the name of the Jedi she couldn't stop thinking about.

  "What?" Dyana questions in astonishment then hears the knocking on the bathroom door. "Dyana, is everything alright? Does the nightgown fit?", the voice belonging to Senator Amidala.

  "Uhhh..y-yes! It fits Padmé, thank you!" Dyana responds to her in an appreciation tone to hide her fearful one then gets an idea. The marking wouldn't have appeared unless it was related to this universe, decides to take a risk and ask Padmé. "Padmé, I noticed a Senator from earlier had a name on the back of their neck. Why is that?", she asks her as Dyana puts on a silk bathrobe to hide her collarbone then exits the bathroom. Dormé, Padmé's friend/handmaiden, grabs Dyana's dirty clothes yet pauses midstep at her words- wasn't sure if she were joking or not.

  The Senator of Naboo was in shock at her friend's question but decides to answer her instead of questioning it. "When someone has a mark of a name on them, it means they have a soulmate out there for them." Padmé says in slight sadness, since she herself didn't have the pleasure of having one. Not noticing Dyana's look of shock, nervousness and slight bashfulness, didn't expect herself to not only be in a completely different universe BUT to find her soulmate- her life partner of all things.

  "O~oh....", Dyana mutters under her breath since she didn't know what the flip to do now with that information! "Thank you for that info, I'll just- uummm..- take my leave and let you rest." Dyana then rapidly left the room before the Senator could question her odd behavior.

  "Do you know what that was all about?" Padmé asks Dormé, wondering what it was that she said that made Dyana act in such a way. "No my Lady." Dormé replies back in respectfulness, "I best go wash her clothes for tomorrow, goodnight my Lady."

  "Goodnight Dormé.", she says happily yet tiredly in return then heads off to bed.


  Dyana was on her way to her guest room in deep thought while blushing up a storm. 'I can't believe it! A mark of a name that just happens to be Anakin Skywalker's name- is my fucking soulmate! I don't mind having a soulmate, that isn't the issue- I mean what woman wouldn't want a soulmate?! What I'm most worried about is what he wants, or if he doesn't want me... What if...he wants someone else..'

  Unaware of her surroundings, Dyana ends up running into the last person she expected to run into. "Oof! OH, I'm sorry!" The two spoke in unison as they realize who is standing before them.

  "Padawan Skywalker?!/Miss Rossingol!?" The two (unknowing/knowing) soulmates exclaim in unison once more, making them blush slightly. "I'm so sorry Miss Rossingol. I didn't mean to bump into you, so arruptly." Anakin apologizes with sincereity in his voice, that unknowingly made the said woman's heart skip a beat.

  "No, it is quite alright Ana- I mean, Jedi Skywalker. I promise I'm fine.. also can you refer to me as Dyana or Dya for short? Miss Rossingol makes me feel old." Dyana requests him kindly with a short laugh, which made said Padawan melt at her laugh for some unknown reason. "Sorry, I don't mean to make you feel that way- I just wanted to be respectful." Anakin explains himself to Dyana, didn't know why he felt so nervous all of a sudden.

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