Chapter X: ...As Does The Building Tension

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  The Starfreighter lands in the giant port city of Theed. Padmé, Dyana, Anakin and R2 are among the immigrants streaming from the Starfreighter and into the vast docking area. They exit onto the main plaza.


  The speeder bus pulls up and stops. Padmé, Anakin, Dyana and R2-D2 get out. The great courtyard stretches before them, and they see the rose-colored domes of the palace on the far side. R2 whistles next to Dyana, who stood frozen in place, staring at the most gorgeous scene she has ever seen in all her life. "You were right Anakin. The pictures really don't do this place justice." Dyana says, not looking away from the peaceful scenery in front of her. Anakin smiles as he recalls what he told her on the Starfreighter, looks over at the caramel beauty and is hypnotized by her awe-struck face.

  After what happened between them on their way here, Anakin and Dya had agreed on not teaching her the Jedi way. But he will still teach her the ways of the Force and how to control it or hide it from others. Dyana was happy to learn some things and couldn't wait for their lesson, plans on teasing Anakin by calling him Master Skywalker- even though there is a chance that'll inflate his ego.

  They pick up their gear and start to cross the courtyard. R2 trundles behind them. "If I grew up here, I don't think I'd ever leave." Anakin admits to the young women with. "I wouldn't blame you." Dyana responds to him with a small smile, making him chuckle. Padmé starts laughing then comments, "I doubt that." "No, really. When I started my training, I was very homesick and very lonely. This city and my Mom were the only pleasant things I had to think about. The problem was, the more I thought about my Mom, the worse I felt. But I would feel better if I thought about the palace- the way it shimmers in the sunlight- the way the air always smells of flowers...," Anakin describes what he remembered before Padmé joined in, "...and the soft sound of the distant waterfalls. The first time I saw the Capital, I was very young...I'd never seen a waterfall before. I thought they were so beautiful... I never dreamed one day I'd live in the palace."


  Dyana noticed how Anakin and Padmé were acting, almost like two old friends that secretly had feelings for the other. She felt her heart being chipped slowly and painfully, decides to hang back with R2- not wanting to force herself into the conversation. It baffled Dyana on how attached she already felt towards Anakin- she knew these next few days will be difficult.


  "Well, tell me, did you dream of power and politics when you were a little girl?" Anakin asks the Senator with a smirk. Padmé begins laughing again and answers, "No! That was the last thing I thought of, but the more history I studied, the more I realized how much good politicians could do. After school, I became a Senatorial advisor with such a passion that, before I knew it, I was elected Queen. For the most part it was because of my conviction that reform was possible. I wasn't the youngest Queen ever elected, but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough. I'm not sure I was ready." The young Padawan responds with "The people you served thought you did a good job. I heard they tried to amend the Constitution so you could stay in office." "Popular rule is not democracy, Ani. It gives the people what they want, not what they need. And, truthfully, I was relieved when my two terms were up. So were my parents. They worried about me during the blockade and couldn't wait for it all to be over. Actually, I was hoping to have a family by now... My sisters have the most amazing, wonderful kids... So when the Queen asked me to serve as Senator, I couldn't refuse her." Padmé tells them, not knowing that only one of the two was paying attention. Anakin immediately answers, "I agree! I think the Republic needs you... I'm glad you chose to serve. I feel things are going to happen in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways." "I think so too." The young Senator replies and smiles at Anakin.

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