Chapter XIII: Slowly Breaking

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  A water speeder driven by Paddy Accu, the retreat caretaker, docks at the island landing platform. Anakin, Dyana and Padmé disembark the water speeder at the base of a lodge rising on the beautiful island in the middle of the lake.


  Dyana was now wearing a beautiful detailed blue dress but it had a white see-through fabric underneath. Giving it an ocean-like look to the gown however, the dress didn't hide the soulmark on her collarbone too well so she put her hair down. Her lush locks of black hair was so wavy yet curly that it looked like she had more hair than anyone Anakin and Padmé had met. Dyana wasn't even wearing basic make-up like Padmé- which shows off how natural Dyana's beauty is to them. More specifically, to Anakin.

 More specifically, to Anakin

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  As Dyana was distracted by the water and the place they all would be staying at, Anakin's attention was being divided to both women. During the ride, he noticed another difference between the two women.

  Padmé; she gave a graceful and elegant look yet he knew she could switch it to a vibrant and firey presence. Her Force-signature for someone who's not Force-Sensitive like him, it would make anyone Force-Sensitive feel better from sadness, grief or anger with how much warmth could be felt.

  Dyana; she immediately gives an exotic and wild look yet he knew- from what he's learned of her- she will be collected and calm when she needs to be. It was when he saw her looking at the water that he realized that was what her presence in the Force was like, the water. Water can be calm and soothing but when the tide rises or a storm is near- it becomes wild and comes in massive waves.

  The two women were Fire and Water.

  He was attracted to the woman who gave warmth yet didn't burn him with that flame she held within her, and to the woman who was wild like waves yet can be soothing when she needs to be like a stream.

  He didn't know what his heart was trying to tell him because he could feel it being pulled in two different directions. But as he disembarked the water speeder with Dyana and Padmé, he felt the Force warning him- not of any danger though- it made him feel dread as he felt that something will happen today- tonight or tomorrow night- that everything will change indefinitely. 


  Dyana, Anakin, and Padmé walk up the stairs from where the water speeder is parked onto a terrace overlooking a lovely garden. Behind them, Paddy Accu follows with their luggage. "I'm going to go claim a room before you two get one of the best ones, so excuse me for a moment." Dyana informs them with a playful smile and heads inside the building, hearing Anakin's chuckles from behind her. "You know mine is the one at the end so choose any other room!" Padmé calls out to her, her tone carried the playfulness in it. Dyana didn't bother looking back, just waves in acknowledgement before entering and leaving the two alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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