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A new day, a new morning, new beginning, every thing is new, special and joyful until something changed their life which made it sorrow but the main thing is we should not think about the sad phase of life and move on to find the happiness that we are born to get.. there will be many obstacles, consequences, fault, sadness... we have to face it until it goes.. even if we are hurted or sad much we should keep on finding the happiness of our life.. we should clear all the misunderstanding between us and that surely will solve all the problems in our life.. don't give the misunderstandings the chance to get the success as if it stays all things will be jumbled .. who knows what will happen ,when will happen ,with whom will happen ,we can only do that keeping patience and fight against the wrong situations of our life...

I think this 150 words can change your life also.. and may be the life of Taehyung and yn ... many obstacles will come in their life we will see how they can handle that situation.. so let's read further ahead..


??? : Today is the last day of your life ....... today is the day on which my problems will be gone. * demonic laugh*

??? : No .. no no please let us go.. what have we done to you... and who are you

??? : Stop now you bitch...

??? : No need to leave me leave this children .. they are only 9s at age please

??? : Never never.. you haven't thought it before so why I will care for your and the children's life huh ... you are really foolish...

The man poured petrol around them and put fire... and they died...

Flash back ends.

Yn was the first who woke up and gone to bathroom and done her morning routine and came out and saw a matured baby sleeping on bed peacefully...

Yn : I love you Mr. Kim Taehyung... I love you from the very first beginning of my life.. I got to know about everything... but I have to make sure that you are only that person or not... if you are then .. I have to make you remember everything happened in past with you and me ... and don't hate this psycho queen please as I am not that much rude and cold more for you but I I for others ...

Yn gone closer to Taehyung and kissed his forehead but suddenly Taehyung woke up and standed... yn got surprised..

Tae : How dare to kiss me huh.. * coldly *

Yn : Ahem sorry but I love the way you are sleeping like a baby so I kissed you and the main thing is that you are mine and I am all yours .. I can do anything to you and you can do to me expect hurting me and us ok..... did you understand darling...

Tae : No never I am not going to yours never and you can't do anything to me as you are my wife in papers not from heart ok keep this in mind ... and I told you several times that we will behave like husband and wife only in front of others ... understand.. put this shits inside your head...

Yn was not like others girls she was a psycho so being a psycho she pulls Taehyung by his wrist and says...

Yn : See my husband.. i am not like others girls.. whom you will reject or something ok... and you keep this shit in your mind that you also love me from the very first beginning of your life... and I know you have forgotten everything after that incident happened with us... let me explain you all the stuffs that are eating you from inside...

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