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The nice and caring iterator politely lifts me from her lap and towards the exit of her chamber.

"Before you leave, Windswept Spires is north from my structure, not too far away so it should be rather easy for you to find your way around." She says softly and waves goodbye as I'm gently pushed out of her chamber.

As I float through a long hallway I go through a pipe with an even larger hallway with different variants of artwork. I sit down and look around, observing my surroundings. Once I relax I feel something emerging from my tail. A little round rock and a gear.

A hole from my tail where the items emerged from release a cold smoke and seal up, making my tail remain solid as if there never was a hole to begin with. Cool I guess.


Nightcat eventually stops crying on my shoulder and I stand up, placing her in my shoulders. I gently tap Hunter awake.

"Survivor..?" He grumbles as he takes a glance at me weakly. The stab wound from his stomach has healed.

I take his hand and help him stand up.

"Thanks." He says politely and looks at Nightcat. He looks like he wants to say something about it but hesitates.
"Is she ok?"
He asks as nightcat now sleeps, leaning on my head and holding my left ear tightly.
"I think so."

He lets go of my hand and he brushes himself off.

"What now?" I ask and look around the dark and ruined land of what was once five pebbles. But then in the distance I see something. I see tall buildings and structures. Sky scrapers, tall buildings and humongous structures.

The ground rumbles and I feel drops of rain slowly pouring down.

Hunter and I run towards the large city, for there is no other choice. We run towards the ruined gate and to our luck there is still a functioning shelter where the gate must've collapsed over that was inside of the ground. It's a tight squeeze but we manage to slip inside.

The shelter is rather large. We sit down in a corner together and I take Nightcat from my shoulders and lay her down in a patch of grass that grew through the floor of the shelter, meaning this shelter must be old.

We hear a faint crying from the other side of the shelter, behind another tall patch of grass and I stare, refusing to move as the shelter seals.

Hunter stands up and walks towards the crying. He peeks around the grass.

"Survivor... There is a child." He says and I watch him gently pick the child up as it immediately clings to him.

Echoes of lost civilisations [sequel]Where stories live. Discover now