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CW/TW: gore, blood
By the passing cycle i can feel myself becoming hungrier. My head throbs and my hands shake, barely being able to hold the pearl in my weak paws anymore. Owen seems to not notice. Either that or i can't even tell anymore. Maybe he isn't even real right now. Maybe none of this is real. I should wake up.

Am i sleeping at all? Am i going insane...?

I stumble forward and fall on the ground, vomiting up the minimum food that was left in my body. I can't remember the last time i ate. I don't feel good.

My vision becomes blurry and all i can recognise is owen standing in front of me.

"Are you alright?" He asks. Is that even what he said or is it just what i want to hear? A comfort i could have never had long enough from my own creator or guardian. Just someone to love me and to make sure I'm ok.

He extends an arm out to help me. I want to take it. Why can't i? This rage of never getting what i wanted all my life is getting the best of me. The rage of neglect. Did Windswept Spires ever even care at all? Was he just using me?

I don't care how much it hurts now. I'm hungry. I'm so fucking hungry. I want to rip something to shreds. I want to get the revenge i deserve.

Or did it all even happen.

I try to look up at owen but those stupid grey furs on his stupid idiotic green body look exactly like the ones on Windswept Spires.

I sit up and try to stand. My body is wobbly...

Who is that? Who is that green figure in front of me? Is it two of them or one?

I stop myself from falling placing my left foot behind me right in time.

I'm hungry.

We're so close to seven red suns. It's right behind us. I don't care. I don't even realise the pear slipping out of my hands and on to the floor.

I don't even notice a scrap of metal being produced from my tail. It rips through the flesh and blood pours on the ground as the metal falls on the floor. I don't even notice myself picking it up, my grip tightening from how shaky my hands are. The metal cuts my fingers. Owen stares at me confused. I don't care about his stupid face or stupid green fur or his stupid voice.

I'm not sure if this is even happening right now. Am i dreaming? All around me there are so many colors. They all mix together and make my head throb.

My tail bleeds out but it doesn't stop me from walking forward, leaving a trail of blood. I fall over again but this time Owen catches me.

I hear muffled voices from him as if he's trying to say something. It angers me.

Is it even owen? I don't care.

I stab him in the chest and i can't even see clearly. I'm so hungry. I stab him over and over again. Until he stops moving. This is probably not even real.

I start eating but i can't even tell if it's even owen or not. My head feels fuzzy.


As leviathan eats on Owen's body he can't even tell what's real or not. But of course there's no way Owen would just let himself die and get killed so easily.

A tap is felt on leviathan's shoulder. He turns around, blood oozing from his mouth.

There's another owen? As if maybe this was some sort of twin brother or maybe what he saw in the snow that day he got rescued by him.

But this one is different. Leviathan turns around and Owens body is gone. The one behind him is the same one... But why isn't he injured from Stabs... He turns back around to face the other "Owen" and he grins, his blue teeth flashing a bright blue and yellow. He grabs leviathan by the ears and slams his face into the pavement repeatedly.

Leviathan lets it happen. Through the moments when his head is lifted up and down there's another green figure. The same one he keeps "hallucinating" but he can't tell anymore. Owen stops what he was doing and holds Leviathan's head up. His nose and face are bloody and his body is limp as if he just all suddenly gave up.

Owen doesn't do anything more. Instead he just holds his head up and lets the other green figure walk forward.

The other green figure seems to be another slugcat. The green is the same shade as Owen's but he's a lot fluffier and has bright green marks on his fur. He grins as well, his teeth and eyes flashing that same blue and yellow, enough to blind someone.

As the other slugcat walks forward it kneels down in front of Leviathan, a strong rage visible in its eyes. It jerks Leviathan's head to the side and bites down on his neck, making him shake uncontrollably. From where he was bitten a yellow and blue pattern spread throughout his body, ascending him.

The two green slugcats disappear, leaving Leviathan's dead body there to rot.


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