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Before SOS ascended
Green was always my favourite colour.

After I created saint, I released him into the wild as a simple Slugpup. I'd watch him with my overseers and it seems to have happened that he stumbled upon a tree

Luckily before he'd found his own path in the life I've given him I've received enough information from the outside world farther than my overseers could reach to know a perfect solution to ascend. But before I did I figured I'd create another slugcat to deliver this information with simple steps in a pearl stored inside the slugcat's head. From what I've learned, storing a pearl in a slugcat's stomach is unsafe and can cause the slugcat to hack up the pearl and lose it or receive an infection.

After I created it I released him out to go visit five pebbles. Although most of us have given up on finding a solution to the great problem and started investing in other hobbies such as creating life, Five pebbles insisted he was too deep in finding the solution to simply just stop. Now I can share this information with him to bring his confusion to a closure. after a few cycles of not recieving any information, I figured five pebbles might have already ascended as he was not responding to my messages. I suppose now it's time for my time as well.


I wander through the snowy region weakly with my purple scarred paws as the dark and cold terrain accompanies me. The sound of the wind whistling calms me. Unfortunately I am unable to run very fast. My legs are weak. I am weak. I'm afraid it even hurts to produce metal anymore... I'm not the same as I used to be. Maybe it was my fault?
A sudden voice from behind whispers in my ear, making me jump "You'll be ok" it says. I jerk around and nobody is there. I feel like I'm being watched. The voice sounded calming and somewhat soothing. Like an angel.

Maybe I'm just hallucinating. A wound reopens from my tail. Windswept spires must've not sealed it tightly enough. I need to keep going. I have a mission to prioritise.

I become out of breath and collapse on the snow coated ground right outside of a shelter. The wind whistles in my ear but the noise emerges into a sound as if someone else was whistling. I look over and through my blurry vision I see a green figure standing in the distance. I can't seem to spot much from the snow but the presence seems... Familiar.

I'm not sure if I'm hallucinating or not. The figure turns around and I see a flashing yellow and blue light. The presence disappears in the snow as I'm suddenly picked up and rushed into the shelter.

"Are you alright?"

I look up and see a green slugcat like the one I saw in the snow. But he is skinnier and has grey fluffy cheeks. But the green seems almost exactly the same. I might just be driving myself insane.

I'm not able to speak but in my weak attempt a small groan escapes my throat.

My head lays against his chest and he's holding me with his arms under my armpits. He gently lays me down and sheds the fluff from his cheeks as it stays in one singular patch. He picks it up and wraps it around the open wound on my tail. I watch as the fluff from his cheeks slowly regrows.

"My name is Owen." He says, carefully placing my tail on the floor. I catch my breathing and manage to speak although my voice is hoarse and weak. "Thank you.." I say with a weak awkward smile.

"What's your name?" He asks and sits against the wall casually, tilting his head.
"Leviathan." I respond.
"Ohh, rad!"
"Nevermind... How come you're so injured and raggedy... -no offense though. I've never seen another slugcat that's in such bad physical shape."

There's a small moment of silence which I use to take some deep breaths.
"It was an accident. Don't worry about it." I say softly and yawn. He looks at me with a concerned look and lays down as well. Before he closes his eyes he speaks. "Sleep well."

I know all this damage was from Windswept spires but I'm sure it wasn't on purpose. He wouldn't ever want to hurt me on purpose, right? He loves me and I love him. He takes care of me and I take care of him. I know he wouldn't ever mean such a thing and I can't help but forgive him. He's my best friend.

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