Shadow Appears

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A war was going on between two of the strongest clans in existence. The Senju, a clan of physically gifted shinobi, were facing off against the Uchiha, a clan that have an occular power that made them a menace to fight, both sides having lost many. In the middle of all of this was two men, both leaders of their respective clans, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. The pair were friends since childhood and the two were ready to fight again with their soldiers. The pair were ready to face each other on the battlefield when something made them freeze. A strange man wearing a black cloak with red spirals down its sleeves and an eye on its back was walking to them. The man had red hair that touched the middle of his back. He had snow white skin and a horn that protruded from the middle of his head. What caught their attention the most was his eyes. The man's left eye held a twenty four point blue star that had a single tome in that was gold. His right eye had rings that were yellow with twelve silver tomes in them. "Who are you stranger?" Hashirama spoke up and the man looked at the Senju. "My name doesn't matter nor how I showed up undetected. What does matter is I'm here to stop your wars and protect the very ground you destroy." The man snapped his fingers and suddenly both sides had to fight a Wood Golem that had a black suit of semi transparent armor. "How does he have Hashirama's Wood Release!?" The Senju were surprised while Madara wanted to know how this stranger had Susano'o. Both sides were easily defeated by this man and they prepared to die. "If you keep fighting I will keep coming back to end it. I will not take your lives that will defeat the purpose I was given." The man vanished but true to his words each time the two clans fought the stranger showed up to put an end to it with a show of strength. Soon the clans got tired of fighting and the stranger showed up to help them create a treaty to end the war. It's been a few months since then and the two clans became many as more of the clans flocked to this new found peace. They created a village and named it the Hidden Leaf VIllage and elected Hashirama as the first Hokage. The stranger had stuck around and helped the village. "My friend are you ever going to tell me your name?" The man was sitting with Hashirama and Madara watching the village they created. "My name was lost a long time ago it holds no meaning to me anymore. But if you want to call me something then I'm all ears." Hashirama couldn't think of a name but Madara could. "Shadow because you appear and disappear like one." The man looked at the Uchiha who looked embarrassed. "Very well I'm Shadow now." Madara smirked before the three enjoyed the evening. Shadow knew the peace wouldn't last he could see the desire in Madara and so he prepared to end the threat. Shadow was greeted by Madara who looked at him with a small smile. "My friend I can tell you know of my intentions." Shadow nodded and Madara sighed. "I don't want to fight you anymore Madara. You are my friend same as Hashirama but to protect what we built I will end any threat." Madara just chuckled. "I see you don't intend to stop me now so I just wanted to say goodbye. Don't tell Hashirama but these times with you two were meaningful to me." With that Madara left and Shadow returned home. Soon after that Madara had come to fight Hashirama and Shadow showed up. "Shadow are you going to fight Madara as well?" Shadow looked at his friend before the two looked at Madara who was ready to fight. The three began to fight and Madara could tell immediately Shadow wasn't even putting half the effort into this fight. Madara wanted his friend to try so he kicked Hashirama away and attacked Shadow. "I see your heart isn't in this Shadow." Madara saw Shadow hesitate and that let the Uchiha strike the man. Shadow fell to his knees and he looked up at Madara who was glaring at him with his Sharigan glowing. The Uchiha turned and started fighting Hashirama. Shadow could see how this fight was hurting Hashirama so he sighed before standing up. Madara and Hashirama sensed a change over Shadow so the two looked at him to see his eyes were glowing. "I'm sorry." Shadow raised his hand and a ball of chakra immediately showed up in it that rapidly expanded. Both adults were shocked by this and Shadow looked at Madara who saw the glare he was sending the Uchiha. "I won't let you hurt him anymore." Shadow threw the massive ball of chakra at Madara who quickly did hand signs. "Summoning Justu." As the smoke cleared Madara had the Nine Tailed Fox guarding him. "So you'd use my brother's creation. Hashirama I'll take the Fox." Shadow snapped his fingers and suddenly the fox as well as Shadow himself were gone. Shadow showed up in the forest far away from his friends and he looked at the Fox before sighing. Shadow teleported right up to the Fox's eye and he used his superior eyes to break Madara's control over the Fox. "Your the old man's brother." Shadow dropped to the ground and looked up at the fox. "Yes I am. For the time being I want you to stay with me." Shadow saw the Fox look at him and when he nodded the Fox vanished. Shadow teleported back to his friends and he showed up behind the Uchiha. Hashirama watched as Shadow impaled Madara through the torso with his arm and the Uchiha gasped out in pain. "You lose Madara Uchiha. You lost the very moment you chose to attack the village we created." Shadow dropped Madara before sighing and he walked away from his friends.

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