Attack on the Leaf

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Shadow had spent the rest of the day talking to Maki and the next day he was showing the younger Otsutsuki around. "So where are the three kids you help teach?" Shadow looked at Maki. "They are training for the final test in the Chunin Exams. If they pass then they will be able to take on much more dangerous missions and help the Leaf better." Maki listened to Shadow as he spoke about the Leaf and its history. "So you've been here since the beginning? Why didn't you take the title of being Hokage?" Maki was confused why Shadow chose to live as a shadow to the Hokage. From what he remembered Kaguya telling him Shadow was a leader through and through. "Because the Hokage is someone that lives in this world and understands it. I am from a world that no longer exists Maki. I wouldn't be the right person to be Hokage." Maki didn't buy it but he dropped it and continued listening to Shadow. The two ended up at the academy and Shadow chuckled. "What's so funny?" Maki's question made Shadow grin. "I have watched so many kids grow into fine people and this is where it all started for them." Shadow's words made Maki think and after a bit Shadow had to head to the Hokage's office. "I have to deal with some things. Go ahead and explore for a bit Maki. I'll have one of my dragons show you around." Maga suddenly appeared and the snake like dragon was hugged by Shadow then he floated to Maki. "Hello young one. I"m Maga the guardian of Shadow's domain and for today I am your guard." Shadow rubbed his head at Maga's monotone before smiling at Maki which made the younger Outsutsuki feel warm. "Oh I forgot to mention it yesterday but welcome to the Hidden Leaf Maki." Shadow waved then walked to Minato's office. Maki looked at Maga who was watching him with a bored look. "Follow me." Maki followed the dragon who finished the tour Shadow started with him. Afterwards Maga brought Maki back to his house with Shadow and promplty left. Maki just sighed before walking inside and he found some of Shadow's books. When he opened one he saw it was in Shadow's handwriting and it detailed a lot of advanced medical ninjustu. After a few hours Maki felt the ground shake violently and when he went outside there was people fighting as well as damage to buildings. "Hey it's another Leaf punk get em!" Maki looked to see Shinobi wearing the Sand headband running at him. Maki was about to fight when Shadow showed up and killed the Sand Shinobi quickly. "You go on ahead and stay inside Maki. Right now you can't handle these guys." Maki did as he was told even though it angered him. However Maki watched as Shadow organized the Leaf ninja and they started driving the enemy back. Once the street was cleared Shadow entered his house and looked at Maki. "They trust you so much." Maki was stunned by the way those people listened to Shadow so well. "Because they know I will protect them and that I count on them. That's what family is Maki." Shadow had Maki teleport to his compound and he had the dragons on high alert. "I'll be back Maki." Shadow teleported back to the Leaf and Maki looked around. "Maki we need you on lookout." Another snake like dragon came up to him and he jumped hearing the sharp female voice. "Shadow trusts you enough to bring you here so prove to us he isn't a fool." Maki did as he was told and stood guard. While the other dragons got ready to defend Maki sensed a lot of chakra signatures headed this way. "Relax Maki." Maki heard the lady dragon again but his unease grew worse when he sensed one signature in particular was stronger then the others. Maki watched as a man with black hair and pale skin emerged out of the woods with a small army of Sound Shinobi. "So this is where he lives." The man made Maki's skin crawl and he knew who this was. "Don't fight that man he use to be a part of the same group I was. He's a very dangerous man who doesn't play fair." The dragon looked at Maki who steeled his resolve and walked out of the cave. "I'll buy you guys time go get Shadow." With his chakra sealed to the degree it is Maki won't be able to do anything with his Ninjustu however like Shadow he is physically stronger then an entire nation. "Oh if it isn't little Maki." Maki clenched his teeth and he glared at the man who was smirking at him. "What are you doing here Orochimaru?" The creepy man just chuckled before glancing behind Maki at the cave he was guarding. "I came to borrow some things from Shadow." Maki felt his heart skip a beat but just as he got ready to fight Maki felt a hand on his shoulder. "Heh easy there Maki don't stress about fighting him I'll deal with him." Maki looked to see Shadow smiling at him before the older Otsutsuki lost it and Maki felt nervous. "So Shadow Sensei we really are going to fight this time?" Shadow suddenly had chakra swriling around him and the Sound shinobi became incredibly tense. They knew of the stories about this one man and knew he was dangerous. "Maki I need you to go back into the barrier." Maki did as he's told knowing he would die if he stayed outside the barrier. "That's quite endearing sensei considering he was an enemy of yours just a few days ago." Orochimaru's attempt at rattling Shadow failed when he saw the man chuckling. "Anyone willing to listen has the potential to be a friend. I thought I taught you that back during the third war?" Orochimaru simply raised a hand to his chin and he watched Shadow with a cocky smirk. "Your right my dear Sensei." he flicked his other wrist and the shinobi that came with him charged at Shadow. Maki was about to run and help but he noticed a slight distortion where Shadow's shoulder blade is at and the shinobi all dropped dead. Shadow started giggling before it turned to full blown laughter. "You dare attack a dragon's domain? You won't leave here alive." Shadow took his cloak off and his chakra shifted to his back before transforming into two black wings. "Heh try to fight all you want your nothing but an insignificant bug to me Orochimaru." Shadow's words surprised Maki. He witnessed Shadow's vicious side but this was something different. Maki watched Shadow and Orochimaru clash. Right from the start it was obvious Shadow seemed to be toying with Orochimaru who was completely on defense. Maki watched as Shadow ended the fight after fifteen minutes of him playing with Orochimaru by catching the snake by the throat and the man screamed as he burned away. "These wings of mine are the signal that I released my full power to kill you. These Wings of Destruction are proof I am Shadow Otsutsuki, the Dragon Shinobi, and I will protect my home." Shadow let the decaying man drop to the ground and he walked back to his cave. 

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