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"We cannot thank you enough Lord Shadow for your aid in yesterday's attack." Shadow was once again in the Kazekage's office talking to the elders of the village. "I was just doing my job protecting my home's friend that's all. Anyway I'll be taking my leave now I want to go see the Sand since its my last day here." The elders all nod so Shadow bowed before heading out. "Did you manage to track them?" Azak's head poked out of Shadow's shirt and nodded. "Killigan had retreatd with Shadow Style and he's nursing his wounds within one of the Akatsuki's bases." Shadow pets Azak before seeing his group so he ran up to them. "Sorry for keeping ya waiting." Shadow smiled seeing Gaara with the group and the redhead blushed seeing the smile. "Tell me Gaara how have you and the Tanuki been?" Gaara smiled and looked up at Shadow. "Since you fixed the seal he's been talking to me. We've even learned a bit about each other." Shadow's smile grew. After fixing the seal he had talked with Shukaku about trying to befriend his Jinchuriki. Seems they are trying. "That's good to hear. Anyway let's go guys we still have a few places left to check here before we leave tomorrow." So with that Shadow spent the last day of his visit exploring with his friends. "Shadow when we have the time I want to talk to you about something." Shadow heard Malakai and he nodded before going back to enjoying the trip. When tomorrow came Shadow was already packed and waiting for the others. As soon as the others came the group was off. "H hey Naruto was it?" Shadow heard Gaara and he listened in. "Yea Gaara?" Shadow glanced at them to see the two were standing by each other. "Why does that fox stand so close to you?" Shadow noticed Malakai was indeed standing very close to Naruto. "Because he's my best friend!" Naruto wrapped his arm around the fox's head making Malakai grumble. "Shadow introduced us a long time ago and I've been close to him ever since." Gaara looked at Shadow who smiled. "They are my family after all I only want what's best for them. Same goes for that Tanuki inside you Gaara." After that the group was silent for a bit until Shadow called for them to make camp as the sun had begun to fall. "Shadow can you train me?" Sasuke asked and Naruto butted in wanting training also. "Hey Gaara do you guys want in on this as well?" The three siblings looked at Shadow. "Can you really train all three of us with the two of them?" Shadow grinned. "Well I'm going to be training with Gaara so Temari you pair up with Naruto and Kankuro go with Sasuke. No serious attacks and remember you guys this is a training exercise not a competition." Gaara followed the Otsutsuki while the others paired up and Shadow smiled at Gaara. "So what do you want to work on Gaara?" The redhead thought about it for a bit. "I'd like to be able to work with the Tanuki better." Gaara saw Shadow smile again before nodding. "Alright well for starters his name is Shukaku as you know. So why don't you see if you can create a make shift form for out here?" Gaara looked at Shadow who demonstrated by creating a body for Shukaku. "I know you have chakra control down and that's all it really is. Since you two are on better terms Shukaku will help you. I'm going to go check on the others I'll be back real quick." After Shadow sees Gaara start he heads to the others. Naruto and Temari were still practicing while Sasuke was talking to Kankuro about puppets. "Hey Shadow a word?" Shadow looked at Kakashi who spoke and walked to him. "Is there anything we can help you with?" Shadow looked at Kakashi then Maki. "Actually yea I need you two to go scout. A few hours ago I sensed someone following us and I need you to find them. Maki has a great sense for tracking so the two of you are the best bet while I'm with these guys." Kakashi nods and the pair walk off. "What about us?" The two foxes walk to Shadow. "Go help the four of them I have to get back to Gaara." The pair walk to the four training nearby while Shadow returned to Gaara. When he arrived Gaara was talking to a hand size Tanuki which made Shadow smile. "Good job." Gaara looked at Shadow. "But he's really small?" Shukaku looked at Shadow. "I tried to tell him this is the first time he's done something like this so of course it'd be small." Shadow chuckled and ruffled Gaara's hair. "Hey listen to me with practice you'll be able to get Shukaku's full size but for now let's focus on learning to master this alright?" Over the course of the trip Shadow practiced with every one of them and he couldn't be happier. "Man I miss teaching." Shadow's words made Kakashi chuckle. "Well you are a pretty good teacher after all." Shadow giggled before looking at the kids proudly. They arrived with no issues and Shadow took the three siblings from the Sand to Minato where he talked about what happened. "They really attacked you in the Sand?" Hiruzen asked and Shadow nodded. "Yea they were after me because I am a threat to their operation." Shadow glanced at Minato who was in serious thought. "So you gathered the Jinchuriki of the Sand and his siblings to protect them?" Shadow shook his head. "Nah my plan was I wanted to bring someone from the Sand to here and have some of our kids go there. To see the differences in our cultures as well as the similarities." Minato and Hiruzen thought about it before smiling. "I don't see why we couldn't make this happen. I'll send word to the Sand to talk about this. So how did Naruto behave?" Shadow giggled at Minato's question. "Well I kept him busy so he couldn't really get into trouble. It didn't hurt I brought the foxes with me so Malakai kept him preoccupied also." Minato sighed looking relieved. "I was worried he'd get into trouble." Shadow chuckled. "Well you can relax he was well behaved. Anyway I have to go I'm going to show these three around the Leaf. Oh before I forget introduce yourselves to the Hokage you three." Once the trio did Shadow took them on a tour of the Leaf and Shadow smiled greeting everyone along the way. "Your really well like in the Leaf? Even the higher ups of the Sand know of you Shadow." Shadow looked at Temari. "Yea I have lived in the Leaf since its creation and I've watched everyone of these people you see today grow. I also fought in the last three wars so everyone knows me in some capacity." Shadow noticed Gaara was silent the entire tour while the other two were asking questions. When the tour was over Shadow brought them to his compound where the three were surprised to see dragons. "This is my home and these are my family." Maga came up to Shadow who hugged his head then introduced the three to Maga. "How precious." Maga spoke when he looked at Gaara causing the redhead to blush. "Easy there Maga Gaara here doesn't like attention. You guys will be staying here while in the Leaf." Maga showed the three to their rooms and Shadow went to prepare food. When it was done the adult went to retrieve the three. "I want to be the Kazekage." Shadow paused hearing Gaara. "I heard Naruto say he wanted to follow his father's footsteps and the way Shadow was loved by everyone and had the Hokage's ear was amazing. I want to prove to our village I am not a monster and I want to achieve the same dream as Naruto." Shadow smiled hearing the determined voice of Gaara and he knocked on the door before opening it. "Food's ready and Gaara you have my full support. I'll help in anyway I can for you to become Kazekage." Gaara's cheeks turned red but he smiled and the three followed Shadow. Once they finished eating the front door opened to show Naruto with the others from Team Seven. "See told you Shadow would have them." Sasuke smirked at Naruto who rolled his eyes and he walked up to Gaara excitement all over his face. "Hey you guys should come with us!" Gaara looked at Shadow who smiled. "Don't worry Gaara you have your siblings and these three won't let anything happen to you. Your safe here alright?" Gaara nodded and the three followed Naruto. Once they were gone Malakai walked into the kitchen while Shadow was doing the dishes. "What did you want to talk about? I think I know but I want to here you say it." Shadow spoke up and Malakai grunts. "I want you to seal me inside Naruto so I can help him better." Shadow waited until he finished the dishes before looking at the fox. "Why?" Malakai looked at his friend. "Because the Akatsuki are going to target those who are close to you and I want to protect Naruto. I know the brat will want to protect everyone he loves as well so I figured having my power wouldn't hurt. I already talked to his father and mother about it as well as the others. They all are in agreement but we are waiting for you to answer since I have a specific seal in mind." Shadow nods knowing which one it is. "Ok I was going to talk to you about it eventually but if Naruto doesn't want to do it then I won't make him." Malakai nods quickly and follows Shadow to the others. "Of course I don't want him going along if he doesn't want this." Shadow sat with the other Nine and picked Malakai up to hug him while he picked up one of his books. "I'll talk to him about it tomorrow." 

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