Kanabi Bridge

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Shadow had arrived at the Hokage's office and he talked with Hiruzen for a bit before the old man looked at him. I have a mission for you Shadow. I can only trust it to you because of who you are. Anyone else would die or come back scarred." Shadow just took the mission briefing and he nodded to Hiruzen before heading out. His mission was to distract the enemy while another squad was going to hit an important bridge for their supply line. Shadow was leaving earlier then the other team so he had time to get as many of the enemy focusing on him. Shadow made it to his target and he chuckled seeing the encampment. "Well let's start the fun." Shadow inhaled before exhaling a multiple giant fire balls that destroyed many tents killing those inside. Shadow's eyes glowed in the dark before he descended onto the encampment. The next morning the Leaf shinobi that were ready to ambush these people came upon nothing but death. As they wondered who could do this Shadow was making his way to the other encampments doing the same thing. "So your telling me you sent Shadow ahead on a mission even he might not make it back from?" Back in the Leaf Minato was informed that Shadow was busy so they had to destroy the bridge without him. "Yes his goal is to distract the enemy for your squad. I wouldn't have sent him if I wasn't sure he'd come back." Minato nodded before going to get his Genin. Back with Shadow he found the main army of the enemy and he saw they were all looking at him like he's crazy. "Shadow what are you doing?" Shadow looked at the Leaf Shinobi that were in the trenches before walking to the enemy. "Don't look whatever you do." Shadow's eyes flashed and he started slaughtering the enemy. One of the Leaf Shinobi didn't listen to Shadow and when he looked the man was terrified. Shadow was enjoying himself if the excited smile and gleeful look he had was anything to go by. The other thing that scared the man was the massive, black, semi transparent, creature that was guarding him. It had four arms that two of them were holding a giant red scythe while the top left one had six Yasaka Beads while the top right was empty but it was constantly doing strange hand signs. When the hand finally finished its hand signs suddenly the army was consumed by a purple light and when it was gone so was the army. "Go home I've cleared the way." The Leaf ninja were terrified by that show but Shadow was already making his way through the territory. "Why haven't we heard back from the men we sent to the frontlines?" A Stone Jonin was talking to his subordinates when he felt something wrap itself around his throat and when he looked all he saw was a twenty four point star then nothing. Shadow managed to finish his objective before he took a rest his body ached. It took him a few days to fully finish his mission in which he felt a change in the air so he teleported to his squad to see Stone shinobi surrounding a dome. Shadow sensed his three genin in there so he slaughtered the Stone ninja before helping Rin and Kakashi. "Obito is still in there." Kakashi managed to say that before passing out and Shadow jumped in the dome even though it was caving in. He managed to find Obito half crushed under a boulder and Obito looked at him. "Oh hey Shadow. I'm sorry I was such a useless Uchiha." Shadow destroyed the boulder and he picked Obito up before hugging him tightly to his chest. "Sleep Obito." Shadow felt the boy go unconscious and he teleported away from the others. When he touched down Shadow sensed a familiar chakra and so he walked to it. There's no way its him. This was just a random cave Shadow picked no possible way that man is still alive after all this time. Shadow entered the cave and he saw the statue that was the Ten Tails husk. "It's been a very long time since I last saw those strange eyes." Shadow looked at the base of the husk to see a very old Madara Uchiha. He was connected to the husk and it was keeping him alive. "It's been awhile Madara." Shadow laid the half dead Uchiha on a bed and he started repairing the damage. "He's as good as dead. Nobody can survive that." Shadow ignored Madara and instead he fixed the destroyed parts with his own cells. When Shadow was done he wrapped him up in bandages before turning to Madara. "So as payment for not killing you where you stand I want you to watch over this boy and help him achieve your goals." Madara looked at Shadow with narrowed eyes. "I don't give a crap about you or the others I have one goal in mind and to do that yours needs to succeed." Madara watched Shadow leave and the man returned back to the Leaf where he told his comrades he couldn't save Obito. 

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