Meeting to Attend

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Shadow was thinking of what Malakai wanted when he walked to Minato's house and when he saw his friends Shadow's nerves steeled. "So Malakai told me he talked to you two about what he wants. I've come to inform you I will do it if Naruto wants." Minato and Kushina looked at Shadow seriously. "Are you sure that's ok? Won't Malakai be stuck with him?" Shadow looked at Kushina with a smile. "Nope cause the seal I'm going to perform on him will let Malakai have his freedom while Naruto can use his chakra. It's not like the seal used on the other Jinchuriki or you Kushina. This one is one I made to free them and it's the one I used on myself to let Azak out whenever he wants. Naruto will have to learn how to use Malakai's chakra though." Minato looked at Shadow when he noticed the clenched muscles in Shadow's arm. "Are you really ok with this Shadow?" Shadow looked at his arm and grabbed it. "Yes I am I just never thought I'd be doing this cause I'm not strong enough to protect you all." In truth Shadow's blood has been boiling since his first meeting with the Akatsuki. It's why he is so easily enraged by them. "What?" Kushina got up and Shadow looked at her. "I am just one person and so I have to rely on my family to protect them." Minato and Kushina were surprised by this. They've never saw Shadow as weak. "Shadow even the strongest need people to rely on. We are family aren't we? What does a family do when one is needing help?" Shadow sighed looking at Kushina. "I understand that Kushina but before this I've never had to ask you to risk your lives." The pair just walk up to Shadow and hug him. "We are a family it only makes sense we would risk our lives for you. You've been doing it since day one." Shadow sighed still not ok with the idea but he knew they'd keep arguing. "I have to go for a while I have a meeting to attend." Before the couple could ask him what Shadow meant he was gone. Shadow touched down in an Akatsuki hideout and he sighed before looking around. "So you really did show up." Shadow glanced behind him to see Obito walking to him. "Well yea I did send the message to you." Obito leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "I want you to give me a few years to train Naruto." Obito snorted. "Why would I do that?" Shadow expected that so all he did was do some very familiar handsigns and the Gedo Statue appeared behind him. "Because all I really need to do is take this and your plans will fail. Besides I won't let you kill him either way since he is a child." Obito growled knowing his former sensei was dangerous. It's why he tried to remove him by having the Akatsuki target him through Shadow's loved ones. But it seems that planned backfired. "Oh and as payment for attacking my family." Shadow suddenly punched Obito but instead of his body reacting Obito felt his soul take the hit which made him collapsed due to his body failing to respond. Obito then felt his head be grabbed and he was lifted up to look Shadow in the eyes. Obito saw the strange Sharigans glaring at him. "I don't appreciate you doing that Obito." Shadow dropped his former student and he walked to the entrance. "You ever attempt that again I will finish the boulders job and send you to hell again." Shadow left after that and when he returned Shadow performed the ritual on Naruto. Soon Naruto was the new Jinchuriki to Malakai. Shadow helped Naruto get use to Malakai being within him and spent the next couple of weeks helping both Jinchuriki in his care. Shadow had noticed ever since the Chunin Exams the Uchiha clan has been antsy so after having Naruto head home he went to their Compound. He walked right up to Fugaku who looked at him with a respectful nod. "Lord Shadow what can I do for you?" Shadow closed the door then made it impossible for anyone outside the room to hear. "Fugaku explain to me why your clan have been itching for a fight since the Exams." Fugaku looked at Shadow who was looking at him seriously. Fugaku sighed softly before nodding. "We don't agree with what transpired." Shadow sat with Fugaku who explained the situation to him. The Uchiha feel like they didn't have a say in what to do with the Sand. Shadow sighed and rubbed his head. "That isn't the Leaf's fault it was mine. I didn't bother to think of the clans opinions. I was so busy wanting to achieve my brother's dream I forgot about everyone else." Shadow bowed his head making Fugaku look at him in surprise. "L lift your head Lord Shadow." When Shadow looked at him Fugaku sighed. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness Lord Shadow but I didn't mean for you to lower yourself like that." Shadow smiled a little then got serious. "If you guys will accept my apology I will do better to come speak to you and the other clans." Fugaku looked at me with a thoughtful look before getting up. I followed him out to the main hall where he called everyone. He explained the situation and when the others of the clan looked at me I bowed again. "I want to apologize. I'm use to doing everything on my own that I forgot I work alongside all of you. I want you to know the Leaf hasn't forgotten you it was my own carelessness." The Uchiha all mumbled something about how I shouldn't be bowing. "I am not some superior being I am one of you. I may look the way I am but I helped you all build this life we have. If you are willing to forgive me this time I will work harder to not let my own ego get in the way." The clan all agreed and I look at Fugaku who just sighed softly. "You didn't need to go that far. We already forgave the situation when I told them how you felt." Shadow rubbed the back of his head and smiled. After spending some time with the clan he went to the other clans and did the same thing. Shadow got the same reaction as the Uchiha. Each of the other clans were stunned he would bow to them and ask for forgiveness. After that Shadow started talking to the clans more about how they would like the Leaf ran. He brought the ideas to the Leaf higher ups and with that the Leaf was more unified then before. 

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