The Hokage and his Shadow

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"Where did the Fox go?" Hashirama looked at his friend who was cleaning the blood off of him. "He's safe that's all that matters." Shadow's words chilled Hashirama's blood. "I'd feel safer if you let me have him Shadow." Shadow stopped what he was doing and looked at Hashirama. The Senju felt uneasy with those mismatched eyes looking at him. "If I wanted to level the home I helped build I wouldn't need the power of the Nine Tails. Besides I already have all Nine so it's not like you need to even bother." Hashirama just shook his head then gave in. Time progressed and Hashirama went around to the other villages with Shadow. Shadow had created clones of the Nine which Shadow gave to Hashirama who decided to give the others one. "So how did you make copies of the Nine?" Shadow looked at the Senju. "I am better then my brother at chakra manipulation among other things. My eyes also are different then my brother's they see the truth of life and death." Shadow had left the Nine in his compound as dog size companions for Azak. The Nine had agreed to shrink down to make it easier for them to fit in and Azak would show them that humans could be trusted. "The clones will think they are the originals and if they ever meet the originals then they'll just accept that they are mine." Shadow told Hashirama what to expect from the Nine Tails which was inside his wife. After that Shadow did his job as the Shadow Hokage doing jobs for Hashirama that no one else could. Too soon for Shadow Hashirama passed away due to his injuries he sustained in life and he became Tobirama's Shadow. The Otsutsuki was introduced to three Genin two of which piqued his interest. One called himself Hiruzen Sarutobi and the other called him Danzo Shimura. Both were friends but they had a rivalry going on. As they grew up Hiruzen became the third Hokage and with the other two Shadow became his shadow. Shadow became good friends with Hiruzen's Genin team he had before the man became Hokage and the three learned a lot from him. But it was another kid that caught Shadow's eye. His name was Minato Namikaze and like Tobirama the kid managed to learn Time Space Ninjustu. So Shadow requested he aid Minato and the two grew close really fast. Shadow watched Minato grow up into a fine Jonin who had his own team. "Shadow are you ready to meet my team?" Shadow had finished his book when Minato came to him and nodded. "Yes I am." Minato had Shadow follow him to where a group of three kids was waiting. One was an Uchiha who was trying to pick a fight with a kid with gravity defying silver hair and a girl was trying to break it apart. "Alright you three this is Shadow he's going to be helping us from this day forward. Go ahead and introduce yourself to him." Shadow learned the kid's name and he nodded. "Why do you have a horn?" Shadow heard Obito, the Uchiha, ask and he chuckled. "Because of my bloodline." Shadow glanced at Kakashi, the silver haired kid, who seemed bored while Rin, the girl, scolded Obito for asking that. "Sensei why do we need him?" Shadow looked at Kakashi before Minato just chuckled. "Because Lord Third and Shadow have agreed to have Shadow aid us on our missions. You two could learn a thing or two Shadow has helped the previous Hokage as well." Shadow almost snorted seeing the surprised looks in the three's eyes. "No way that would mean your really old!" Obito made Shadow snort. "Your right I am I have been around since the beginning of the Shinobi world. I'm an immortal who has seen it all." Shadow saw Kakashi wasn't believing him so he motioned the boy closer. When Kakashi got closer Shadow moved his hair over his left eye showing off his strange eye to Kakashi. "I am not some weakling boy." Shadow let his hair fall before looking at Minato. "What's our mission captain?" Shadow saw Minato toss him a couple of bells. "They need to get a bell from you if they don't they fail and have to go back to the academy." Shadow placed the bells around his left wrist and after complaining about there being only two bells the Genin got serious. When Minato said start the boys ran at Shadow who just let them get close before suddenly he was behind Rin causing the others to look surprised. "Rin you need to pay attention more." Shadow picked up a tiny beetle that was behind Rin before taking it to a tree and he looked at the others. "How'd you get behind Rin?" Obito's question made Shadow chuckle before moving his hair out of his face. "It's a talent of mine anyway come on." Shadow watched as the boys once again came at him and he ended up behind Rin again. "You boys do realize what the point of this exercise is right?" Shadow saw the boys get angry while he just pats Rin's shoulder making the girl look up at him. "You need to defend yourself better Rin." Shadow saw the boys were close so he just appeared by Minato which was making the boys furious. "How is this fair!?" Shadow looked at Obito who was the one who complained. "Life isn't fair if you can't handle an opponent who is doing absolutely nothing except moving around then your a poor excuse of an Uchiha and a ninja." Obito glared at Shadow as did Kakashi. Shadow chuckled before closing his eyes. "Fine I'll give you an advantage. I won't use my eyes." Shadow grinned seeing the two boys react funny. "Are you messing with us?" Shadow just raised his hands in a stance and he grinned. "I bet I could take you both with my eyes closed." Shadow saw the boys look at him before at the bells around his left wrist. "Shadow you sure you can pull this off?" Minato wasn't sure what his friend was playing at but this was different. Minato could see Shadow was confident in his abilities. "Don't worry Captain I'll be fine they still won't get a bell." Shadow grinned before running at the boys and soon Shadow had defeated the Genin. "Seems you guys never understood this assignment. Captain I'm going to go talk to Lord Third." Shadow saw Minato nod so he looked at the Genin then he left.

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