Attack on the Sand

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As the Leaf shinobi were sight seeing in the Sand Shadow was with the boss of the Sand. "Lord Shadow we have considered your proposition and we appreciate the Leaf's forgiveness. We have prepared compensation for what we did and we have agreed to your terms for a new treaty. But if you'd indulge me why the new terms? We benefit the most from them." Shadow had told the Sand higher ups the new terms were that the Sand would be more then allies to the Leaf. They'd be considered part of them as well as the Feudal Lords of both nations would be discussing subjects that'd benefit both nations from now on. "Because the Leaf has me and my people. We don't need anything that would bolster our military nor do we really need anything materialistic. Lord Minato has decided to rely on me to create this new friendship between our countries and he trusts my judgement. Besides we do have something to gain from this. We gain a foothold into this country which we can use to gain new allies and for our students to have new experiences." The higher ups all looked surprised. "The Leaf relies on you that much Lord Shadow?" Shadow nodded with a small smile. "I created the Leaf along with Lord First and as such I've become an integral part of the village. I am tired of war if I'm honest. I've sat through three of them and I've lost so many cherished friends to them. My goal in life is to create a world where we understand each other and live in peace with one another. It might seem silly to you all but it's a dream I shared with my brothers growing up and I will achieve it if it's the last thing I do." The adults speaking with Shadow all smiled. "We will send word to your Hokage we agree to your treaty. Thank you Lord Shadow for coming personally to discuss this with us. We hope you enjoy your time in the Sand. Oh one last thing Shadow. Gaara has decided and he wishes to speak with you. You'll find him waiting outside with your comrades." Shadow nodded before leaving and like the boss said Gaara was talking with his friends. "Shadow how'd it go?" Shadow grinned at Kakashi who smiled. "Our alliance with the Sand is better then ever. Now I was informed you wanted to discuss something with me Gaara?" The redhead turned to face Shadow and he froze seeing the warm smile he was getting. "I I've decided I'd like to go with you guys to see the Leaf. My sister and brother also want to go. It's the least I could do after you helped me and the Tanuki." Shadow laid his hand on Gaara's head which made the redhead look at him. "Nonsense I didn't do it to have you owe me. I did it because I can't stand seeing a fellow shinobi suffering or a Tailed Beast." Gaara's cheeks turned red but he smiled a little. "Is it true you have mastered every chakra nature there is?" Shadow looked at Gaara's brother who was a puppet user. "I'm Kankuro and our sister is Temari." I greet the two officially before smiling at Kankuro. "Yes I have mastered every type of chakra nature and the different ones that came with it. Why?" Kankuro looked impressed. "Because I was curious if the rumor was true or not." Shadow looked at Kankuro confused and he sighed. "I had heard a rumor that you could master any technique if you witness it once. Judging by the fact you've mastered chakra itself I believe the rumor." Shadow chuckled at Kankuro. "It is true with my eyes I can but I don't. It's easier for me to focus on what I am good at which is the power I use to protect my home." Kankuro just looked at Shadow. Team Seven joined the siblings for a little tour. But Shadow was focused on the approaching chakras. "You sensed them too right Maki?" Shadow whispered to his brother who nodded. "It's Salazar and his twin Zakhaev. They are the ones who you looked at back during the meeting. They are dangerous Shadow both are linked through a forbidden justu. You can't kill one without killing the other. Not only that but they grow stronger from each attack they survive." Shadow looked at Maki surprised before covering everyone as explosions rocked the Sand. "Go help the Sand Team Seven Maki your with me." Shadow grabbed Maki and teleported to where he sensed the two attacking the Sand. When Shadow touched down he saw that they did indeed look like twins with Zakhaev being a pale skinned version of Salazar with matching eyes. "I'm happy the boss sent us your way. I've wanted to gut you since that day you came to us." Zakhaev growled at Shadow while Salazar just sighed. "Maki make sure they don't escape I'll deal with them." Maki looked at his brother with worry. These two are dangerous even amongst the Akatsuki." Shadow just looked at Maki with a small smile before the younger Otsutsuki noticed an eye open on Shadow's forehead and it was a red eye with a silver sclera. "Maki don't worry I'll be fine." Maki didn't like that eye at all. It was brimming with hatred and a desire to destroy. Maki left to make sure Shadow could face them alone and he was nervous about that eye even now. Shadow had faced his opponents and he smiled which seemed to tick off Zakhaev cause the man started growling. "So I'm told you can't die unless I kill you both? Am I guessing that's not true because you two aren't the main body?" Both men froze at Shadow's statement. "You guys are idiots coming after me without knowing anything about my power. I can tell you two are made connected to a third and that he's the one supplying you two with life energy. But I'll deal with him later since he isn't actively threatening my students." Shadow grinned before the two Akatsuki members watched as the sky melted away and was replaced by a red sky with a lighter red moon. "The moment my eye opened you lost. In this world you are my prey." Zakhaev ran at Shadow but Salazar noticed the danger and tried to warn him but it was too late. Zakhaev's world suddenly spun and he saw his body drop before Zakhaev was caught by Shadow. "H how I didn't even see you move?!" Shadow chuckled before throwing Zakhaev's head at a rock before a chakra rod pierced his head keeping him there. He was helpless to watched as Shadow walked towards Salazar and Zakhaev was worried. Salazar wasn't a fighter his specialty was genjustu and support. No way could he take on a monster like Shadow. Zakhaev couldn't even speak so he was helpless to watch as Shadow easily took down Zakhaev before stomping his skull into paste and laughing. Shadow turned his head to Zakhaev and the Akatsuki member saw strange markings on Shadow's face that gave him a demonic appearance that matched his third eye. Salazar saw the knowing smirk before he caught a chakram by placing his finger in its center. Shadow looked at the shuriken like chakram before looking over his shoulder to see a man like the twins but he had gold hair that matched his eyes. The twins were absorbed by this man and his eyes took on theirs. "So your the main body yea?" The man was silent just glaring at Shadow who grinned. "You can't kill me so give up." Shadow laughed before feeling something impale his throat and he looked to see it was the man's hand as he teleported right into Shadow's bubble. "Pathetic your the danger they warned about?" When the man tried to leave he found out his hand wouldn't move. So the man looked to see Shadow grinning at him with blood pouring from the corners of his mouth. Shadow pulled the man's arm through his throat and he giggled seeing the horror etch itself into the man's face. Shadow leaned into the man's ear before whispering. "I can't die either and unlike you I enjoy pain." Shadow suddenly punched the man's shoulder which dislocated his arm making his opponent screamed. "I don't even want your name." Shadow pulled the man's arm out of his throat which healed immediately. Shadow then began to lay into the man not letting him go so he couldn't escape. The final blow was a knee to the guy's gut before Shadow poured chakra into his hand creating a black Lightning Blade which he plunged into his opponent's skull. Brain and skull chunks exploded out of the man. Shadow let the body drop and he sighed with a small smirk. "You can't fool me moron you are in my world now." Shadow caught another chakram and looked to see the man was fine. Shadow looked at the dead body before laughing. "So it seems I was wrong that wasn't your main body either." Shadow grinned before snapping his fingers and the desert they were in was consumed by a violent sandstorm. "So if those two were Zakhaev and Salazar who was the one I just killed as well as you?" Shadow's voice was heard even over the violent screaming of the wind. "He was Kira and I'm Killigan." The sandstorm vanished which made Shadow grin before catching a fist and he looked at the owner of said fist. Killigan looked bored before Shadow felt something hit him in the gut sending him sliding back a few feet. "I see so you can access Shadow style. Which explains the others and why you are so strong for a mortal." Killigan tensed up and Shadow started chuckling before wiping the blood from his mouth. "But the thing is you can only use Shadow Style in a limited capacity. Meanwhile we've been in my Shadow Style since the start of this fight." Killigan looked at the moon to see it falling which made Shadow laugh like a mad man. "You lost the moment you came at me and even if you keep coming at me as long as this eye of mine is open you will never win." Shadow pointed a finger up and a ball of chakra rapidly formed and expanded. "Tell your boss I'm coming for him next." Shadow threw the ball at Killigan and it hit at the same time the moon fell on him. Shadow raised an arm to block the sand and when he sensed no more chakra Shadow had his third eye close ending the Genjustu. "What was that Shadow?" Shadow turned to see Maki and he smiled. "I just sent the Akatsuki a little message. How's the Sand?" Maki walked up to Shadow and noticed the small scar on his throat. "Once you defeated the enemy the explosions stopped so we think he was sending chakra to bombs the man somehow planted." Shadow nodded and the pair returned to the Sand.

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