Trouble Brews

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Shadow was talking with Maga when Minato showed up at his house. "Sensei I need to talk to you." Shadow looked at Minato and dismissed Maga. "We've gotten reports of the Akatsuki starting to make their move again. It hasn't been that long since they targeted the Sand what should we do?" Shadow looked at Minato. "Not much we can do since we don't have a safe route to the other Jinchuriki. All I can say is keep the Leaf and the Sand safe. Unless something changes that's all I think we can do." Minato looked at Shadow. "I won't be the cause of another war Minato. If I go to retrieve the Jinchuriki the nations they are residing would see that as provocation." Minato nodded. "How has Naruto been? I know he's gotten better using the Nine Tails' chakra." Shadow smiled and nodded. "Seems having Gaara with him also helped. They are getting along well with their tailed beasts." Shadow spoke with Minato for a couple hours before the Hokage had to return to his post. With that Shadow walked to the Uchiha Compound and visited everyone. When it was just him and Fugaku Shadow looked at the Head of the Uchiha Clan. "So Lord Fourth has informed me our enemy has started to make its move. I wanted to hear your thoughts. I told him we need to focus on our own defense as well as the Sand's." Fugaku looked at Shadow. "I agree with that. I understand you don't want to start another war or take life without cause." Shadow nodded, so Fuagku sighed. "I think your way is best then." Shadow talked with him for a couple of hours before going around to the other clans and speaking with them. Shadow returned home late at night and laid on the bed. "Master, are you ok?" Azak climbed onto Shadow's chest and the Otsutsuki pets him. "My first instinct is to go destroy the threat but to achieve my dream I need this to happen. As much as it pains me I need the Akatsuki to succeed." Azak nods and Shadow sighed softly. The next day Minato had called Shadow to his office. When Shadow arrived Minato smiled at him. "So I've talked with the higher ups and we want you to teach the students at the academy like you did me and the others." Shadow just stared at him before sighing softly. "I never should've agreed to that. Alright I will." Minato just laughed while Hiruzen looked at him. "I'll be helping you as will the other heads of their respective clans." The Otsutsuki looked at Hiruzen confused. "We have agreed to lend you aid as much as we can since you have given us so much Shadow." Shadow sighed again before nodding. So they gathered the heads of the village and started planning out when as well as where they could teach students. Shadow offered his training domain in his compound since its large enough to hold the village itself. Shadow also informed him this way his dragons and people can also help out more effectively. Truth be told not many knew a lot about Shadow's own clan. Shadow had founded a place for his dragons as well as former forgotten people to live. When the Leaf found this out they were surprised. Shadow's reasoning was he wouldn't want to be left to rot if he didn't have to. "I started bringing people in when my old family was alive this is the result of that. They would be willing to die for me, which I prefer they didn't, but they also know happiness." A couple weeks after the plan was formed the first class started. Of course the students were intimidated. They know who's dragons these were and they also knew the dragons were powerful in their own way. So that first week or so of lessons were spent getting everyone use to being around them. However after the initial awkwardness the two sides worked more closely which made Shadow happy. It was like watching his kids find their friend groups. After that initial week the group started actual training. Shadow's training gave the kids actual experience not just what they learn in the Academy. Shadow would have Team Seven and Itachi's Anbu group aid them from time to time. One day after training Shadow was cleaning up when Minato ran up to him. "Sensei, we have guests according to them they are envoys from the Hidden Mist." Shadow thought of Rin and Obito before nodding. "They've requested your presence during our talks." Shadow looked at Minato who shrugged. The pair went to the meeting and Shadow saw a woman in a blue outfit with red hair waiting with her two guards. Shadow noticed one had a Byakugan in his right eye and one seemed to be wielding a unique sword. "So this is the famous Shadow. Said to have live since before the age of Shinobi." The woman spoke up and Shadow bowed to her. "Good evening Lady Mizukage thank you for coming. I must ask though why come personally?" The Mizukage chuckled lightly. "Because someone is using my village as their hideout and I don't know who to trust." Shadow looked at her guards. "I also wanted to meet the infamous Shadow. My predecessors left detailed documents of your prowess. I also know that you can commune with the tailed beast." Shadow looked at the Mizukage. "How would you know that I doubt I've said I could?" The woman just smiled. "Something my predecessor left in his records of you. He wrote that you convinced the Three Tails to not help him when he faced off against you." Shadow remembered that boy. "You mean Yagura don't you?" The woman nodded. "Yes I remember the day you came to our village to avenge a comrade of yours." I felt Minato tense up and I nod. "Lady Mizukage who is this man?" The woman looked at the younger of her guards. "He is Shadow Otsutsuki. A man who can rival all five nations on his own. My predecessor caused him a great deal of pain in the past." Shadow looked at the woman again. "If you knew all this then why have you come here?" At that the woman got serious. "I wish to ask for your aid in snuffing out the ones who are using my village." Shadow looked at the lady. "If I were to help you what would my village gain?" The Mizukage just smiled more. "An alliance with my village would suit your village greatly." Shadow glanced at Minato who looked at him. "Alright I will but I'm bringing a few comrades with me. I'm going to be a while so stick around and visit the Leaf Lady Mizukage." The older of the two guards wanted to say something but Shadow just looked at him and the man froze. "I'll be ready to leave in two days Mizukage." Shadow left after that and Minato looked at the Mizukage. "I didn't know if he was going to kill me for what happened back then or not Lord Hokage." Minato nodded softly. "He isn't an ordinary ninja Shadow knows what happened back then wasn't your fault nor does he dwell in the past like that. I'll have a few of my shinobi assigned as your guard while here Lady Mizukage." 

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