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Loki didn't want to be here when he first arrived. He was angry and scared and confused, and to make things worse he felt like shit. His stomach was in knots, and his head would start spinning whenever he moved too fast.

But now he wasn't so upset with having to stay here. In fact, he was actually growing a bit attached to this place. And by this place, he definitely meant Mobius.

As he sat outside Renslayer's office waiting for Mobius, his stomach lurched once more. He took a deep breath and eventually the feeling passed, but he couldn't shake the icky feeling in his gut.

Finally, Mobius came out of the office and whistled signaling Loki to follow him.

"You're probably wondering what happened on the mission." Loki says, standing up quickly despite his spinning head. He followed Mobius through the halls, talking a mile a minute the whole time. "That was your first lesson in catching a Loki. Expect the expected! You want them to know you're a trickster, because then they know that you know that they know--"

"Stop, just stop. Whatever happened to the guy I met on the elevator? The guy who didn't like to talk? I'd kinda like him back, because now I'm stuck here with this guy who won't stop yacking my ear off about what makes a Loki tick." Mobius groaned playfully. Loki chuckled softly but then the dizziness came back with a vengeance and he had to stop, bracing himself against a wall.

"You okay?" Mobius asks. Loki's only response was to turn and throw up in a potted plant before passing out on the floor.

Loki woke up in a bed, he looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on a very concerned Mobius and B-15 beside the bed.

"What happened?" Loki asks.

"We were gonna ask you the same thing." B-15 says, only adding to Loki's confusion.

"Loki, I'm not sure how to tell you this- in fact, I'm not even sure how it happened, but..." Mobius paused, and Loki gave him a worried look. "Loki, you're... pregnant."

"What?" Loki says in shock, staring at Mobius with wide disbelieving eyes. "No. No, no, no, I can't be."

"The doctors scanned you three times just to be sure." B-15 says, showing Loki the image on her tempad. "You're about three months along."

Loki was in shock, this couldn't be happening. His heart rate spiked as the memories of the conception came flooding back. He didn't want that, he never wanted that, but he was at the Mad Titan's mercy, completely defenseless and vulnerable.

Now, he's carrying Thanos' spawn in his womb, and part of him is screaming at him to rip it out of his body before it gets any bigger. But another part is calmly pleading with him to keep it.

"It's your choice whether you want to continue with this or not." The doctor says. "You still have options Mr Laufeyson."

Mobius was deeply conflicted. He respected that this was all up to Loki to decide if he wanted to keep it, but part of Mobius oddly wanted Loki to keep it. He couldn't help imagining Loki with a growing bump, glowing and beautiful as ever. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. Maybe it was because he'd seen this pregnancy in Loki's life on the timeline. Maybe it could have a happy ending this time.

Maybe Loki could have a happy ending as well.

"We'll give you some time to think about it." Mobius says softly. "For now, no more field work for you. You can help me here in the office, alright?"

"Alright." Loki says, his voice shaky. His mind was still reeling as he subconsciously rested a hand over his abdomen. A child? It shouldn't be possible. It shouldn't exist.


A few days later, Loki was in Mobius' apartment, still feeling sick as hell. He was curled up on the couch, covered by a nice heavy quilt Mobius had gotten for him, watching a movie called Night at The Museum that Mobius had suggested. His mind was buzzing with a question he'd been itching to ask but was too nervous to.

"Mobius, how did...this end on the timeline?" Loki asks, gesturing towards his abdomen. The analyst had a solemn look on his face as he began to explain.

"You didn't realize you were expecting until you were in your cell on Asgard. Shortly afterward, you were beaten by a guard for talking back, and you woke up in the night in horrible pain. Unfortunately, you lost the baby." Mobius says. "I want you to know that no matter what decision you make, I'll always be here for you. I won't judge you either way, it's your choice, Loki."

Loki felt an odd emotion in his chest as he looked down at floor, pondering that information. Oddly enough, he couldn't bear the thought of losing this child like that, so painfully and tragically. He couldn't imagine the pain his sacred timeline self must have been in, all alone in those cells, no one paying any attention to their desperate cries as they went through no doubt horrific agony, and then most likely being too ashamed to tell anyone about what had happened, afraid of what they'd think, accusing him of sleeping around again like he did in his youth.

Loki's thoughts then shifted to imagining the child growing inside him. Would they look like him? Would they have their black hair and blue eyes? Pale skin and sharp cheekbones? Would they be like him? She could only pray they didn't look like that monster that gave them to her.

But then again, does Loki really care? Wait...does he actually want this baby? A tear sprung to his eye as he held his belly, feeling the soft but firm bump that was just barely there, he could feel a strange energy there, like another essence.

And it was then that he decided.

"I'm keeping it." Loki says softly. "Is this even possible here? Do you think Ravonna would even allow it?"

"I think I can convince her to make an exception." Mobius says softly.

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