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"Do you really want to defend the people that stole your life? That stripped you of your free will?!" Sylvie snapped.

"I-- it's all I've ever known." Mobius says weakly, and Loki immediately stepped in between them.

"Alright, that's enough. Can we please come to a truce?" Loki says, doing his best to defend Mobius and calm down Sylvie.

"Fine." Sylvie reluctantly agreed, still irked by Mobius' stubbornness.

"Loki, what time is it? Ask  Miss Minutes." Mobius says. Loki made the tempad reappear, but when he went to use it, a small picture of Miss Minutes appeared next to the words low battery.

"You're out of juice!" Her voice said.

"Great." Sylvie groaned.

"Maybe we can recharge it." Loki says.

"Do you even know the kind of power source we'd need for that?" Mobius says.

"There's gotta be something on this rock we can use." Loki says.

"The ark." Sylvie says. "There's a train headed to it. If we can make it to the ark in time, we can get on board, charge up, get the hell of this doomed rock."

"Sounds like a plan." Loki says with a shrug.

Eventually the group made their way onto the train, thanks to Sylvie enchanting a guard. They took a seat in a booth, Mobius sat next to Loki with their hands intertwined beneath the table. A waitress came over a moment later with a tray of drinks.

"Would you like a drink?" The lady asked.

"No, I can't. Sylvie, you want anything?" Loki asks.

"Just water if you've got it." Sylvie says. "Same for them."

"Alright, I'll bring that right over." The waitress says politely before strolling away.

"Too bad they don't have soda here." Mobius sighed. A few moments later the waitress returned, setting the glasses of water down on the table. Loki picked up Mobius' glass, the water bubbling and fizzing as he handed it back to Mobius with a grin. The analyst took a sip and to his surprise it tasted just like a Sierra Mist soda, one of Mobius' favorites.

"How did you do that?" Sylvie asked in awe.

"I know right? You're like a walking Soda Stream." Mobius joked.

"It's just a simple transmutation spell, really." Loki says with a grin.

"Who taught you all this magic?" Sylvie asks.

"My mother, Frigga. She used to take me out to the meadow and teach me this little bits of magic. Like turned a flower into a frog, casting fireworks over the pond." Loki says. He held out his hand and small fireworks erupted from his palm. Mobius couldn't help but be in awe. He adored Loki's magic, it never fails to amaze him.

"Not bad." Sylvie says with a shrug. Loki gave a small chuckle before closing his hand, the fireworks disappearing with the action.

"Did your Frigga teach you your magic?" Loki asks.

"She died when I was very young. I taught myself magic. Started my studies in Asgard, but continued to practice my enchantment whilst running from the Time Variance Authority." Sylvie replied.

"You taught yourself this magic?" Loki says in disbelief.

"Yep." Sylvie answered. "Anything else similarly about us that you'd like to share?"

"Well, we're adopted. Sorry, is that kind of a spoiler for you?" Loki says.

"I knew I was adopted." Sylvie says nonchalantly.

"You knew?" Loki says in shock. "Odin told you?"

"Uh-huh." Sylvie says.

"Do you have anyone waiting for you after this is over?" Mobius asks.

"I do, actually. I've been able to keep up a long distance relationship with a post woman whilst hopping from one reality to another." Sylvie answers. "How about you? You think you have anyone waiting on the timeline?"

"I don't know. I don't even know if my boys would remember me, or if they even lost me to begin with." Mobius replied. "I mean, if I'm a variant that means there's a sacred timeline version of myself still there with them."

"What about a wife? Or...maybe a husband?" Sylvie asks.

"I don't think I had either, to be honest, not that I'd be opposed to either one..." Mobius says. "I only saw a brief image of myself picking up some toys in a front yard when you enchanted me that one time. That's about it."

"I could always show you more, if you wanted." Sylvie offered.

"Maybe another time." Mobius says. His grip on Loki's hand had gotten a bit tighter. The god seemed to notice this, because he started running his thumb over the analyst's knuckles, doing his best to comfort him. Loki snuggled in a bit closer, resting his head on Mobius' shoulder. Sylvie couldn't help her little smirk, if she had a camera she'd definitely take a picture.

"You make a cute couple." Sylvie says, and for the first time in centuries she doubted her plans. Of course, she still wanted her freedom, and return free will to the timelines. But now she realizes she might want something else.

A family.

The Choice- A Lokius FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now