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When Loki, Sylvie, and Mobius returned to the TVA, they were greeted by a very unhappy Renslayer, who had Hunter X-5 beside her.

"I should have never let you save this variant, Mobius. Now look what you've made me do. What you're making me do." Ravonna says angrily. "For years, I've been cleaning up your messes, ever since that time when you couldn't prune that stupid kid. I'm sick of it, Mobius. I should have pruned you a long time ago."

"Do you have any idea what happens when people are pruned, Ravonna?" Mobius asks. "That place, the void. It's horrible. And we've sent... countless people there, people who deserved a chance at life. They got sent there for the smallest things, like stepping on the wrong leaf or being late for work. It's wrong, and you know it."

"It may be wrong, but it's kept the timeline stable this long, so maybe you should remember what you're fighting to protect." Ravonna hisses. "You have a family out there, Mobius. Every person we prune, every timeline we reset, it keeps your boys safe. It keeps them alive."

"Yeah, while we keep you here doing your nothing little job, living as a nowhere man." X-5 says snarkily. "You are a nowhere man--"

Something in Mobius snapped and he lashed out, slapping Brad in the face. Loki immediately grabbed Mobius, shocked by the outburst.

"You're a silly little man! You're a silly little man!" Mobius yelled. Sylvie took the opportunity to take X-5's baton, holding it to Ravonna's chest while Loki held a dagger to X-5's neck.

"This place is ours, Miss Renslayer. You are going to leave and never, ever come back. If I ever see you again, I'll send you right to that endless hellhole, right to him. Are we clear, Ravonna?" Sylvie hisses, teeth bared in an intimidating display.

"Crystal." Ravonna sneered, glaring at the blonde. "Let X-5 go. He has done nothing to you."

"Aside from offending Mobius." Loki says with a sassy shrug, looking over at Mobius. X-5 let out an annoyed sigh, and Loki scoffed and lowered the dagger.

Ravonna approached the time door, her hands trembling as they sat empty by her sides, Mobius having taken her tempad and baton.

"Where do you think you're going?" Miss Minutes says, appearing from thin air.

"In search of free will." Ravonna says, walking through the door.

"And these three are gonna replace you?" Miss Minutes asked incredulously. "They'll never fix anything. Not even O.B can fix it now."

"What do you mean? Who's O.B?" Loki asks.

"He wrote the TVA handbook, he's down in the basement, he'll explain everything, Loki..." Miss Minutes said, saying Loki's name with as much hatred as possible for a holographic AI, before blipping away.

"Guess we're gonna go talk to this O.B now, figure out what the hell the creepy clock thing was talking about." Sylvie says.

"Agreed." Loki says, taking Mobius' hand as the group walked towards the elevator.


Mobius wasn't sure how, but the basement felt really familiar, despite having never been here before. He pushed the button on the elevator, and right then he heard Loki cry out next to him. He looked where Loki had just stood, and to his horror the God of Mischief had disappeared.

"Where did he go?" Mobius asks, looking at Sylvie in shock.

"I don't know." Sylvie answered.

"What happened?!" Mobius shouted, panicking.

"I don't know!" Sylvie repeated, confused. Suddenly Loki rematerialized between them, nearly hitting Mobius and Sylvie in the face.

"What the hell was that?!" Sylvie exclaimed in horror.

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