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Loki and Mobius had settled back into life in the TVA, falling into a comfortable routine of Loki making breakfast for them and starting the coffee for Mobius while making some tea for herself, goodbye kiss in the doorway before Mobius left for work, and then Loki would pass the time by reading some pregnancy books and watching TV. Loki wasn't helping Mobius with work because the analyst worried that too much stress would be bad for her and the baby given what they had already been through previously, and Loki was admittedly thankful for the chance to slow down and take a break for once. In fact, this may have been the first time she was able to just stop and breathe for the first time in almost six months now.

Another perk of their new life in the reformed TVA with access to the now free branching timelines was being able to visit with Loki's family on the timeline. The God was overjoyed to reunite with her brother, despite the awkwardness of having to explain how she was pregnant. Now once a month they go to the timeline to visit Loki's family for dinner.

It was the night of their second visit with Thor, and Loki was heading to the kitchen for a drink when she realized how badly her back hurt. In fact, her muscles had been really sore today from all the extra weight she was carrying around now. She couldn't help the groan of discomfort that escaped her throat, and immediately Sylvie, who had joined them on this visit, took notice.

"You okay?" Sylvie says, concerned.

"Just my back, it's sore from carrying the bump around." Loki says, getting a water from the fridge.

"I think I know a trick that can help with that." Bruce says. "Okay, Mobius, you're gonna stand behind Loki and put your hands under her bump and gently lift it up. Gently, okay?"

"Okay?" Mobius says, a bit confused. He did as Bruce had instructed, and immediately Loki's relief was evident. "Did it work?"

"Hell, yes!" Loki says with a laugh. "Oh, fuck, I think this might be better than sex..."

"I think Mobius just got violated." Valkyrie says with a chuckle, earning an eyeroll from the analyst.

"This thing is damn heavy, no wonder your back hurts so much!" Mobius says in disbelief as he slowly released his hold on Loki's belly.

"And it's only gonna get heavier from here. She's only six months along." Thor says as Loki and Mobius get back into their seats. "At least now you have someone here to support you this time, Loki."

"This time?" Valkyrie asks, brows furrowed. "Has Loki been pregnant before?"

"It was a long time ago." Loki says, not wanting to think about that. "It's not exactly a memory I'd like to recall around the dinner table, thank you."

Mobius understood that all too well. Loki had miscarriages and stillbirths in the past, and he even lost a child to an illness once when she was just a toddler. The analyst had never made her talk about it, he knew how painful the memories were for her still.

"Maybe that's not the best topic of conversation right now, Thor." Bruce cuts in, taking his Thunder God boyfriend's hand.

"Oh, of course. I'm sorry, Loki, I completely forgot." Thor says softly.

"It's alright. You're right, I do have someone to support me now." Loki says with a fond smile, taking Mobius' hand in hers. The analyst couldn't help but blush, fuck Loki looked beautiful when she smiled like that.

"You two are too fucking cute." Carol says with a chuckle.

"I know, all this sweetness is gonna make me gag." Sylvie says, adding a fake retching noise for effect. The group laughed, and for a moment Loki finally felt true normalcy.

And it was wonderful.

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