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Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie were each hauled into separate time theaters, time twister collars locked around their necks.

Loki felt like he might be sick as he sat in the time theater, he prayed the morning sickness wasn't coming back. She laid a hand over her abdomen, feeling a soft bulge beneath her navel. A tear sprung to her eye as she focused on that energy inside.

The moment of peace was disrupted by Ravonna walking into the time theater, holding her baton in her perfectly manicured hand.

"So...what do you have to say for yourself, variant?" She said sternly, sitting back in the chair across from him.

"You're being lied to, you know?" Loki says with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, really? By who?" She asked.

"The Time Keepers. They took you from your timeline, brainwashed you, lied to you and said they made you. It's all a trick, an illusion. It's not real, Judge Renslayer."

"Oh, I know." Ravonna said, catching Loki off guard. "I helped bring this place together."

"What do you mean?" Loki says, confused.

"You really bought that whole Time Keepers thing?" Ravonna asks. "And here I was thinking you were smart."

"The Time Keepers didn't create the TVA?" Loki says in shock.

"Nope." Ravonna says simply.

"Then who did?" Loki asks, his mind racing.

"Me." Ravonna says. "Well, me and another version of me."

"Your variant? A pair of Renslayer variants created the TVA?" Loki says, dumfounded.

"My name isn't Ravonna Renslayer." Ravonna says. "It's Natalie Richards."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Loki demands to know.

"Because soon enough you'll be long gone, and I'll restore some fucking order to this place." Ravonna hisses, teeth gritted in an angry sort of smile. "Good talk, I hope I never have to see you again, Laufeyson." She says cheerily, getting up to leave.

"Wait! Where's Mobius and Sylvie?" Loki says.

"Why should it matter to you?" Ravonna sighs.

"Just tell me where they are! I need to know they're okay!" Loki pleads.

"It's too late, Loki!" Ravonna snaps.

"What do you mean?" Loki says in fear.

"They've already been pruned." Ravonna says. "They're gone."

Loki was in shock. No, no, no, this can't really be happening. Mobius can't be-- Sylvie can't be-- no!

Ravonna left without saying another word, and Loki was left here alone in her grief. In a rage, the god of mischief grabbed the projector and flung it across the room, flipping over the table and throwing the chairs as well with a enraged, grief-stricken scream. She slid down the wall, holding her head in hands as he sobbed.

Please, let this be a bad dream. Let me wake up soon, Allfather. Please.

Eventually, Loki slipped into unconsciousness, exhausted from crying her eyes out. She was awoke a while later by someone shaking him awake. Loki reluctantly opened her eyes, and she couldn't believe the sight before her.

"Mobius?" Loki says in disbelief, fresh tears springing to her eyes. "You're alive?"

"Yes, Loki. It's okay, I'm here. I'm here." Mobius says softly, his eyes similarly filled with tears because Ravonna had told him Loki had been pruned.

Loki threw her arms around Mobius, clinging onto him for dear life. Her fingers held on tight to the fabric of Mobius' jacket, she didn't want to let go for fear of Mobius disappearing forever.

Eventually, the pair slipped out of the room, headed down town Sylvie's cell. They reached the cell and broke her free, but unfortunately they were intercepted by an especially ticked Ravonna and a group of minutemen.

"I had such hopes for you, Mobius." Ravonna says. "Unfortunately, you chose two Lokis over me."

"You wanna know something, Ravonna?" Mobius says, stepping in front of Loki. "If I could go anywhere, I'd go to wherever it is I'm really from, but only if I could take Loki with me. Wherever she goes, I go. We're inseparable, and nothing you can do will change that."

"Prune him." Ravonna says coldly.

"No!" Loki shouted, but it was too late. Mobius disappeared right before him in a burst of sparks. Loki's grief returned tenfold, and all she could do was stare at the space Mobius once occupied with silent tears pouring down her face.

"Why did you do that?!" Sylvie snapped, enraged.

"He was of no more use, Loki." Ravonna sneered. "And besides, he couldn't tell me what the nexus event on Lamentis was. I have a feeling only you can tell me that."
Sylvie glared at her, rage burning in her green blue eyes.

"You want to know what it was? I found friends." Sylvie says. "I found family! He was a good man, and now he's gone because of YOU!"

"Oh, family?" Ravonna says with a laugh. "You're a murderer. You don't deserve family."

With that, Ravonna moved to prune Loki, but Sylvie jumped in front of him. Loki could only watch helplessly as his variant, his sister disappeared before him much like Mobius had.

"Well, well, well. Looks like she took the easy way out." Ravonna says. "Dismissed." She says to the minutemen, who quickly departed. She grabbed Loki by the arm, leading him to a time theater.

"Don't hurt my child. Please, you've taken away everything else! Just let me have her." Loki begged. "Just wait until she arrives, and then you can prune me. Please, just wait until then. Please."

"Oh, Loki." Ravonna says with a chuckle. "Don't you get it? Neither of you are supposed to exist... "

Loki gasped in pain and terror as his body disintegrated into sparks. He felt himself fade away from all definitions of reality, it was a terrifying feeling, as though he was falling through an endless abyss of pain and fear.

All of a sudden, he was pulled back into a form of existence, he felt his body reassemble itself. His hand automatically moved to hold his abdomen, and he sighed in relief when he still felt her.

"Am I dead? Is this hel?" He muttered to himself.

"No, but you will be unless you come with us." A voice said. Loki looked over and saw four variants of himself standing there. A older variant, a black variant, and a child variant holding what appeared to be a alligator variant.

"What's happening?" Loki says softly.

"Loki?!" A familiar voice called out. He looked over and saw Sylvie approaching him with Mobius beside her.

"Mobius!" Loki exclaimed, jumping to her feet and rushing to Mobius. She flung her arms around the analyst's neck, pulling him into a kiss right in front of everyone else.

"I never thought I'd see you again." Loki sobbed.

"It's okay, I'm here now. We're okay." Mobius assured him, gently stroking his cheek with his thumb.

"I love you, Mobius." Loki whispers.

"I love you too, kitten." Mobius replied, and in that moment Loki's hope was restored. Everything will be okay, because as long as Loki has Mobius with her...

She knows she's okay.

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