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Loki woke one morning to the sound of an alert on Mobius' tempad. The variant had killed another team of minutemen and stole their reset charge as well. Loki wanted to go help them on the mission, much to Mobius' chagrin.

"Loki, I told you, you're in no condition to do any field work." Mobius protests as Loki shrugged on his jacket.

"Mobius, come on, the dizziness has gone away, the morning sickness isn't as bad, I want to help." Loki insists, putting on his best puppy dog eyes.

"You stay with me at all times." Mobius says sternly, walking with Loki to the chronomonitor bay. A few minutes later, they walked through a time door into the pouring rain, they were outside a RoxxCart store. Loki took a deep breath, he had missed the feeling of rain on his skin, the smell of the air during a storm. Thunder and lightning rumbled in the sky, and instead of bringing any sense of unease, Loki felt a deep sense of peace. It reminded him of his dear brother Thor, whom he dearly missed. Loki wondered then if maybe, after all this variant nonsense is set and done, perhaps he could be reunited with his brother. Loki would love for Thor to meet his little niece or nephew. Uncle Thor, Loki thought to herself, yes, that has a nice ring to it.

As they walked into the store, Loki remembered that she had her magic out here, and so she used it to dry her clothes real quick, much to B-15's surprise.

"What the hell was that?" She exclaimed.

"That was me, using magic to dry my clothes." Loki said matter of factly. "So I don't announce myself with every squeaky footstep like the rest of you."

Loki gave an annoyed sigh, walking over to Mobius' side. The unit split off into two groups, Loki with Mobius, and B-15 with D-90.

Loki and Mobius eventually found C-20, the missing hunter, hidden away in a supply closet. She wasn't making much sense, just repeating it's real over and over again. Loki recognized what was happening here the moment he touched her. She saw a flash of a hooded figure, their fingers pressed to C-20's temple as green energy flowed into her head.

"Enchantment." Loki says softly.

"What?" Mobius asks.

"She's been enchanted. It's a form of magic, allows the user to tap into a person's mind. All it takes for the spellcaster is physical contact, focus, and intention."

"So you're saying the variant can mess with minds? Control them?" Mobius asks.

"Yes. From what I've heard, many enchanters and enchantresses use memories to create a fantasy in which to trap and control their target." Loki says.

"Can you do that?" Mobius says. "Enchantment?"

"I used to." Loki says dismissively. A noise in the distance caught their attention, and Loki immediately went off in the direction of it.

"Loki, wait!" Mobius called out, he moved much slower than the god of Mischief, which was really unfortunate at the moment.

Loki found B-15 standing over an unconscious D-90, holding his reset charge.

"Is he dead?" Loki asks.

"No, they usually survive." B-15 says in a tone that was very much unlike her.

"Me, I presume." Loki says knowingly.

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