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Time skip 2 and half months

Loki was getting closer to her due date every day now. She was excited yet terrified at the same time, a million scenarios flooding through her head every second of every day, even as they put the finishing touches on the nursery.

Loki and Mobius had already made all the plans for when she went into labor. If Mobius was out in the field when it happened, then B-15 would keep him updated until he could get back, and of course he would do his best to get back quickly. As for Loki, he would be in the infirmary, where there was all the medical stuff needed for any possible complications that may arise. That made Loki feel a lot less paranoid about something happening to his baby. He had lost children before to complications, he couldn't go through that again.


One day, Loki was sat in Mobius' apartment with Sylvie. Mobius was in the field on a mission with Thor and Wade, so Sylvie was keeping her company until the analyst came back.

Loki shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her back had been hurting for a while now, and her abdominal muscles felt tight. Sylvie took notice of Loki's uncomfortable expression, and immediately became concerned.

"You alright over there?" She asked.

"It's just my back, and my abdomen feels tight. It's probably nothing." Loki says nonchalantly.

"I'm gonna text B, just to be safe." Sylvie says, pulling up the former doctor's number on her phone and messaging her. A few moments later, Sylvie's face lit up with shock.

"What is it?" Loki asks, his turn to be worried.

"Loki, you're in labor!" Sylvie says, slightly panicked. The god was at a loss for words. "Couldn't you tell?"

"Well, my bad, I haven't done this for a few centuries!" Loki snapped, the tightness suddenly turning to real pain. "Shit..."

"Let's get you to the infirmary." Sylvie says, opening a time door to the infirmary and helping Loki through. She got him sat on a bed and got the doctor, who was able to establish Loki still had quite a ways to go before the baby would arrive.


"Any update on how things are going out there?" Loki asks.

"They're coming back from the field now." B-15 says, looking at the message on her tempad. "And Mobius says you're doing great." Loki couldn't help but chuckle to himself. 

A few minutes later, Mobius hurried into the infirmary, heading right over to the room Loki was in.

"Hey, you doing alright?" Mobius says softly, rushing up to Loki's side and pressing a quick kiss to Loki's soft lips, taking Loki's hand in his.

"Yeah, it's still gonna be a while." Loki says, immediately feeling a lot more relaxed with Mobius around.

"You don't need to be scared, you've got this." Mobius says softly, pressing kisses to Loki's knuckles as he held his hand oh so gently.

Loki looked up at him adoringly, brushing a bit of that soft white hair back into place. It had gotten a bit longer now, but honestly Loki didn't mind. If anything, it made Mobius even more attractive (plus Loki just loved to pull on that hair).

A few hours later, Loki was absolutely positively 100% done with this whole labor thing, and Mobius had no idea someone could actually curse as much as Loki had been. But fortunately (or unfortunately), it was finally time to push.

"Ugh, how much more of this bullshit must I endure?" Loki groaned as the latest contraction subsided.

"You're almost there, just keep going. You're doing so great, you can do this." Mobius says encouragingly.

"No, I can't." Loki says weakly, exhausted tears in his eyes. "What was I thinking? I can't do this, I was never meant to be a parent, I'm not strong enough. I was never strong enough!"

"Don't say that, okay? You're the strongest person I've ever met. Look at everything you've gone through to get here, if you could go through all that, if you could do all that, you can do this. I believe in you." Mobius says softly. Loki took a deep breath before bearing down, one hand balled up in the sheets while the other held onto Mobius' hand for dear life.

Six grueling minutes of pushing later, a high pitched cry filled the room. B-15 smiled as she carefully laid the small pink bundle of blankets in Loki's arms.

"It's a girl." She says softly.

Loki burst into tears of joy when he saw her face. She was so tiny, with delicate porcelain skin and small locks of raven hair. Loki felt fireworks in his chest the moment he touched her, and he knew right then that he would do anything to protect everything he's gained here since he discovered the TVA.

"See? I told you you could do it." Mobius says softly, brushing some hair out of Loki's sweaty, exhausted face. Loki looked over at Mobius, sleepy eyes filled with pure reverence and love.

"I love you so much." Loki says quietly. "All of you."

"We love you, too." Mobius replies, gently stroking their daughter's sweet face.

"Hello, little one." Loki says, looking at his perfect baby girl. "Hello, Ellie..."


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