Chapter: Eight

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               ☆ Diet Mountain Dew ☆
                  ~ | Season 2, ep 16:
                     "Theres the Rub."

"Luke, why is the ceiling raining from the sky?" Maren asked, concerned as bits of the ceiling fell down on her shoudler.

"Oh, we're just remodeling upstairs. Here you go." Luke placed a safety cap on Marens head and annoyingly tapped it.

"Isn't this a safety hazard for the customers?" Maren asked as she adjusted the cap on her head.

"Ehh." Luke brushed it off and went back behind the counter.

"Okay." Maren said before handing out plates of food to the customers.

Maren looked up at the ceiling after hearing a thud of ceiling tile coming.

"Oh shit." Maren mumbled,trying to move out of the way when the tile never came.

She looked back up to see an umbrella above her and a Jess holding it.

"Oh, thank you." Maren smiled.
"Anytime." He smirked before walking off.
"So us foresters aren't for you?" Maren asked Lindsay in their walk home from school.

"It's not that. I just don't think we work together." Lindsay sighed after her failed date with Sam.

"Yea, he can be a bit much sometimes, especially because he hasn't been with a girl in a while after juvy." Maren gave a sad smile.

"Yea, should I give him another shot?" Lindsay asked hopefully.

"Second times a charm." Maren smiled.
"Alright, see you later." Lindsay waved and walked to her house.

Maren knocked on the door of the Gilmore household with a bin of laundry in hand and pajamas on.

Rory opened the door and smiled.
"So laundry and Indian food?" Maren asked, and Rory motioned for her to come in.

"I've got mine all set out, and all I have to do is fold them." Rory informed and motioned to the couch with laundry all over it.

"Nice, same." Maren said and sat her bin down, and the two got to work of folding and catching up on random things.

Rory and Maren shared a look as the door was knocked on.

Rory got up and answered the door.
Paris waltz in with Rory following close behind.

"Oh hi, Paris." Maren waved to the girl.
"Hello, oh, you guys are in pajamas?" She asked.

"This is the big night you had planned with diner girl. Are you doing laundry? You're doing laundry in your pajamas." Paris raised her voice and eyed the two.

"My mom's out of town and me and Maren and I usually do laundry together in our pajamas and eat Indian food." Rory said.

"You mean you never go months without seeing your parents and getting an occasional postcard?" Paris frowned before walking off to the door.

"Wait, paris." Rory said as she ran after the girl.

"I don't want to get in the way of your big night." Maren heard Paris say.

"Fine, I'll study with you for one hour, and that's it. We can do a quick review and a pop quiz, and then you're going home. Deal?" Rory asked.

"Deal." Paris agreed.
Maren sighed and went over to lay on the couch.

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