Chapter: Twenty-Six

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☆ Diet Mountain Dew ☆
~ | Season 3, ep 21:
"Here Comes the Son."


Maren hopped off the bus behind Jess with a bag full of belongings that she had quickly snuck into her room to retrieve before leaving.

Maren and Jess looked around in wonder as they crossed the street. "Do you need some help? Friends?" An older man asked as he noticed the confusion that was on the couples' faces.

The California air was hot and breezy, and Maren was happy that she had put on shorts and a light tank top while Jess sported a leather jacket with black pants. He stuck out like a sore thumb around the California citizens wearing as few clothes as they could possibly wear.

"No." Jess mumbled to the man as he continued to look at the address he had on a piece of paper.

"I've lived here 25 years, and I could certainly point you in a direction, make your journey easier." The older man said sweetly.

Jess grabbed Marens hand and pulled her away from the man. "He was trying to help us." Maren spoke as Jess shook his head.

"I've got it worked out." Jess spoke as Maren huffed.

"Okay, Christopher Columbus." Maren shook her head and let him lead her to wherever direction he was going in.

"Enjoy this beautiful day." The older man said.

"I'll have the alfalfa sprouts and a plate of mashed yeast." Jess randomly said.

"The beach." Maren spoke with a wide smile and dragged Jess to the sandy beach.

They stood far enough so the waves wouldn't sweep on their shoes.

"Babe, you're gonna suffocate with that leather jacket on in this blazing heat." Maren spoke as she fanned her face.

"I like feeling like I'm in a toaster." He spoke as he watched the waves.

"I've seen enough of the beach." He spoke and dragged Maren off so they could look for his father's house.

After a couple of hours, they found the neighborhood and were now walking the sidewalk.

"This should be it." He spoke after a final check of his address, and they walked through a driveway that had grown up plants and trees all around it.

He opened the gate but emideately closed it as a bunch of dogs ran to the other side of the fence and barked violently.

"Hey, hello! Is anybody home? Hey!" Jess raised his voice.

"Pipe down, you selling something?" A woman emerged on the top of the roof as Maren chose not to ask.

"No, does Jimmy Mariano live here?" Jess asked.

"Does he owe you money?" The women asked.

"No, I'm his--- Jess. I'm Jess." Jess stumbled over his words.

"Jess?" The women asked, confused about whom he was.

One of the dogs jumped on the fence and barked at the couple.

Jess tried to say his name again before the woman yelled at the dog to back off.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" The women asked.

"I just want to see Jimmy, okay?" Jess spoke.

"Hey, did you ever see the wizard of oz?" The women asked randomly.

"Yes." Jess answered, confused.
"Remember when they go to the emerald city, and they ring the bell and the guy with the beard stuck his head out, and they said that they wanted to see the wizard, and he said no, and they said she's got the ruby slippers and he said that's a horse of a different color come on in." The lady spoke.

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