Chapter: Five

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              ☆ Diet Mountain Dew ☆

"This is your room." Maren brought Sam to the empty looking room. A bed sat by one of the walls along with a closet, dresser, and desk.

"Cozy." He smiled as Maren smiled brightly. She never realized how much she missed seeing her brothers smile every day.

"I can help you unpack if you want. Hang up some of your bands poster. I may have stolen a few. Sorry." Maren said as Sam sat on the edge of the bed.

"Nah its okay, I'm happy you took them instead of Mom throwing them away." Sam said as he walked over to the window. He lifted it and pulled a back of cigarettes out of his pocket.

"Mom and Dad haven't changed. Seems they hate me even more now." Sam sighed and took a drag of his cigarette.

Maren didn't reply, not wanting to agree with him but knowing it was the truth.

"It's okay, I know how they feel about me and how Dean feels about me. Clara barely remembers me." He spoke saddened at the thought.

"If it makes you feel any better. I'm very happy that you're home. Life hasn't been right without you here. I miss your loud music going in throughout the night. And dad yelling at you to quit smoking. Mom acts like me wanting to be like you is a bad thing. Just because I like rock music and got a belly button piercing without telling her. Dean acts like he's the man of the house and has power over me. And please tell me you're gonna put your piercings back in." Maren raised her voice.

Sam laughed. "Yea, they made me take them out as a safety violation or some crap. I'm gonna try to re peirce them. But you really wanna piss our parents off?" Sam smirked as Maren mirrored him.
"Didn't think they'd have hair dye with a town like this." Sam said as the siblings walked out of beauty supply.

"You'd be surprised what kinda secrets this town holds." Maren smirked.

"So what's the best place to grab a bite around here?" Sam asked, looking around the various stores the town held.

"Though you'd never ask." Maren smiled.
"Where's Maren? Isn't she supposed to work today?" Jess asked, looking around the diner in hopes of seeing her.

Luke stopped cleaning the counter. "I let her have the day off since her brother got back from juvy." Luke said as he continued cleaning the counter.

"Oh." Jess said and walked over to Waiting customers.

"This is Lukes?" Sam asked as he held the door open for his sister.

"It's not only the best place to eat but it's also where I work." Maren informed as the two sat at an empty table.

Luke walked over with a pad and paper.
"Luke, this is my brother Sam." Maren gestured over to her brother.

"So you're the infamous luke." Sam grinned.

"And you're the infamous older brother." Luke nodded towards him.

"Nice to meet you." Sam said and shook Luke's hand.

"You too, what can I get ya." Luke asked.
"Cheeseburger with fries and a milkshake." Sam responded.

"Oh, me too." Maren said as Luke nodded and walked off.

"Where do you wanna go now?" Maren asked as they walked around Stars Hallow.

"I'm not sure." Sam said as he looked around.

Dean and Rory walked up to them.
"Hey, man." Dean nodded towards his brother.

"Hey." Sam nodded. "Is this your girlfriend?" Sam asked as Rorys face tinted pink.

"Yea, this is Rory." Dean nodded over to Rory.

"Hi." Rory stuttered.

Dean looked at her and shook it off.

"What are you guys up to?" Dean asked his siblings.

"I've just been showing him different places around town." Maren responded.

"Cool, we'll see you later." Dean dragged Rory off.

"So whose the Lucky man?" Sam asked as Maren looked incredously at him.

"Escuse me?" Maren asked.

"There's no way you haven't been interested in someone yet." Sam smirked.

"I guess you're right. Well, there is this one guy." Maren blushed.

"I knew it, tell me all about him."Sam smiled.

"Well, he's Luke's nephew, and I also work with him at Luke's. He's got this bad boy persona thing going on, but I know that's not the real him inside. It just feels so right when I'm with him." Maren smiled at the thought of him.

"Have you told him how you feel?" Sam asked.

"Not yet." Maren frowned.

"I think you should." Sam looked knowingly.

"I think you're right." Maren smiled.
Word count: 763

Diet Mountain Dew☆Jess MarianoWhere stories live. Discover now