Chapter: Twenty-Four

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☆ Diet Mountain Dew ☆
~ | Season 3, ep 19:
"Keg! Max!"


"I can't wait to see what you look like in a tux." Maren giggled to Jess as they talked about their prom plans.

"I don't even know what I would look like in a tux." He shook his head as he kicked a rock off the sidewalk.

"I bet you'll look very handsome." She smiled.

"And I bet you'll look beautiful in a dress. I've never seen you in a dress." He shook his head.

"The last time I remember wearing a dress was to my aunts wedding and that was like ten years ago." She spoke as Jess nodded his head.

"I'm going to get the tickets this week. Did Dean already get his and Lindsay's?" Jess asked.

"Yep." She said with a pop of the 'p' as he nodded.

"I'll pick you up around seven for the party."' Jess spoke as they stopped in front of her house.

"Sounds good." She smiled before kissing his lips and skipping off to the front door.

Kyle's house was part full of teenagers and loud music. Kegs were set up with people surrounding them.

"'So this is a what a real party is like?" Maren asked randomly as Jess looked to her.

"Yep." He mumbled as they walked around the house.

"Dang, that's the line to the bathroom." Maren said with a shake of her head as they passed the bathroom.

"What's up with you guys?" Jess asked Kyle as they stopped in front of the group of guys.

"Stupid keg." Kyle mummbled.
"It's not working." One of the guys said.

"Where's the tap?" Jess asked as the guys looked at him confused.

"The what?" One of the guys asked.
"It's a Keg. It's sealed. You need to hook up a tab to pump the beer out. " Jess spoke as a matter of fact.

"Told you guys the thing in the bag did something." Kyle shook his head as one of the long-haired guys grabbed the bag and pulled out the tap.

"No instructions." The guys said as Maren internally face palmed.

"Jeez." Jess mummbled before grabbing the tap and hooking it onto the Keg.

"There start pumping." Jess stepped back as the guys looked at him joyously.

"Alright, to Jess." The guys clanked their cups together and drank.

"Hear buddy." Kyle grabbed a clean cup and pumped out a cup of beer and handed it to Jess, but he declined.

"I'll try it." Maren shrugged her shoulders and took the cup from him.

She questioned, trying the liquid before chugging the whole thing down.

"Alright." One of the guys smiled as Jess looked at the guys with his eyes darkened.

"Want another cup?" Kyle asked the girl as she nodded, and he pumped her another.

"Are you sure you want to be drinking that stuff?" Jess aksed the girl with a slight hint of worry in his tone.

"Why not? You only live once." She shrugged her shoulders before nodding her head to Kyle and taking the cup from his hand.

She grabbed Jess's hand and led him back to the other group of people.

"Lindsay." Maren smiled and hugged the blonde.

Diet Mountain Dew☆Jess MarianoWhere stories live. Discover now