Giving In (mini series part 4)

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I am extremely sorry for the delay on this. Work has been hectic for the last month and I just couldn't take out the time to write. Hope this chapter can make up for the delay.

A Big thank you to all of you for sticking with me and the story! Your comments provided me with the motivation to write on the gloomiest of days.



Murtasim had to rush back to the village immediately after meeting Anas's mother. To say that the meeting didn't go well would be an understatement. The lady had been uncultured, rude, arrogant, and brash. On top of that, Anas hadn't made it to the house.

The one good thing to come out of this meeting was that Meerab finally agreed that there was something fishy with Anas. Which guy wouldn't turn up for his own wedding discussion? Especially after Murtasim had agreed to meet him after so many efforts. Both Meerab and Muratsim had talked to Marium and tried to explain things to her, but she remained resolute in her faith in Anas. Murtasim had given her a week to get Anas home with his family to discuss things. Otherwise, she would marry Naurez in a month. Meerab supported him in this decision, which was a relief after the constant back and forth they had on this topic.

This was his second night in the village, and he felt terribley lonely. This home used to feel like a sanctuary from hyderabad haveli before he got married. Now, it just felt lonely to be here without Meerab. He missed her so felt like a part of him was missing when she was away like this. He came home late and headed to his bedroom, not in the mood to eat or interact with anyone. He would call Meerab and see if she was up for a chat or send a picture, maybe. He smiled, thinking of the reply he would get when asked for a photo. His wife was unpredictable and wouldn't lose any opportunity to annoy him. He was still smiling when he opened the door to his roome was lit up with candles. Flowers covered every available surface. His face broke in a smile as he observed the arrangements. He walked further into the room and found Meerab lighting a few candles on the coffee table. She turned at the sound of his approach, and he forgot to breathe. She looked so gorgeous.

Meerab was dressed in a bold red saree, her sleevless blouse showing her bare arms. The saree hugged her body and accentuated her curves. Her hair was curled in soft waves. She had done something to her eyes, making them even more beautiful. Her lips were glossy, inviting him to taste. She smiled at him warm and inviting, but he was frozen, so lost in her beauty.

 She smiled at him warm and inviting, but he was frozen, so lost in her beauty

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She walked towards him and placed her palm on his cheek. "Breathe Murtasim," she whispered.

Her voice broke the spell, and he smiled, caressing her cheek with his fingers. "Hey" he said and kissed her forhead, not trusting himself to kiss her lips. He wouldn't be able to stop, not today.

"Hi," she said with a smile, looping her arms around his neck.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered, eyes roving over her face. She blushed, averting her eyes.

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