He needs glasses Bambina

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Tuesday December 3 rd 2023

**It's a beautiful morning... everyone is up around eight... Chloe and Lorenzo both decided to make breakfast for everyone... they seemed to have noticed that both of their moms were extremely stressed out so they decided to do something to help them out... Londyn wanted to help so they let her help . **

8h15 am
** Carina is breastfeeding Niccolas and everyone else is playing nicely with each other... **

Maya : are you okay?

Carina no , all I want to do is cry.... I'm not even pregnant or have given birth... so it doesn't make any sense as to why I'm feeling this way....

Maya : okay, hang on, let me go get something from upstairs... I think I know what you're feeling ...
Carina : okay,
Londyn : why are you sad momma?
Carina: I really don't know why... but mommy seems to know why... everything is going to be okay...

Maya came back downstairs with her " what to expect when you have a baby, before, after the birth GUIDE" !

Maya: are you....
Carina: no !
Maya : are you still wanting to harm yourself or Nico ?
Carina: stop the questionnaire , I never wanted to harm anyone of our precious children and I'm not going to start now.... what the fuck babe ?

Maya : irritability in check ! It's part of the questionnaire babe, I know you never have... ohhhh I see what it says..
Carina: what is the diagnosis from what to expect from "when you have a baby before and after the birth guide 101 !"

Maya : it's baby blues ! It's totally normal
We've been through a lot of stress lately with him... he's had a rough start to his life... we were extremely petrified of his lung troubles and now he's doing so well ... if you need to you can cry...
Carina: I also don't want to put him down anywhere... in case something happens...
Maya : I know... it's okay.....

** Carina started crying and crying non stop with her last warrior on her breasts **

Maya : I love you so much babe,
Carina : me too... to the moon and back, forever and always..
Maya : I love you too, to the moon and back , forever and always.

Carina : babe, look , I think Gio needs to wear glasses from now on..

Maya: what ? Why would you say that?
Carina: because he's been squinting his eyes.. he doesn't see far away distances... poor little guy... and he recently bumped into his tower of blocks that he had just built....
Maya : Gio can you come here please?

**Giovanni was playing with Violet**

Violet: ohhhh Gio , mommy is calling you in the kitchen !
Gio : oh okay but don't put the next block... it's my turn!
Violet: alright I will wait for you.
Gio : thank you!!! Yessss mommy ? Hi !
Maya : hi baby boy , how are you?
Giovanni: hi mommy I good today how are you?
Maya: I'm good thank you! Does your eyes hurt?
Giovanni: yes sometimes.
Carina : bambino , how many fingers am I holding up ... 

** she held up seven fingers in the air**

Gio: uhhhh five fingers momma !

Carina : okay how about now?

** she held her four fingers on both hands**
Giovanni: nine fingers momma! I don't know, I'm too far away from momma !

** he didn't like it being forced to be this far away from his momma **

Carina : alright come closer to momma !

** she held up three fingers and then the next time she held up two fingers **

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